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April 19th, 1932.

Dear Billy:

I am sorry I could not go back to town with you the other day, but Mabel Hohenlohe asked me to come with her, as she did not want to drive alone, so I am under the impression our departure was a little sudden, but I hope you understand "one cannot leave a lady in distress".

The opening of the Murray Hoffman Exhibition was a huge success and I am sincerely sorry that I did not see you among the throng of notables who poured into "unsere teuere Halle".  If you have a few minutes to spare, I would appreciate so much if you and Mr. Lubetkin would stop in here at the Galleries before my departure. 

I should also like so much to send an invitation to Mr. Bagby, but unfortunately have not his address.

If you think I can be of any advise to you regarding your trip to Münich and Garmisch Partenkirchen, regarding the less musical moments of our life, I shall be delighted to give you all the information, including the "sanctum sanctorum", at my disposal.