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December 13th, 1926

Dear Madam:

We learned yesterday through some of our mutual friends of your interest for fine furniture and works of art. We take the liberty of writing you these lines to invite you to see our collection which we are displaying at our new Galleries at the above address.

We trust that you know of our firm, which has been instrumental in the building up of many of the most important museums and collections in this country, and which was established for a considerable number of years at the corner of Fifty-Fifth Street and Fifth Avenue.

Hoping that Mr. Summerfield and yourself will be able to spare a few moments in the near future to give us the pleasure of your visit, kindly believe us,

Very truly yours,

Mrs. Solon E. Summerfield
Ritz Tower,
57th Street & Park Avenue,
New York, N. Y.

Transcription Notes:
all text very faint