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September 16, 1949

Dear Mr. Surgey:

Do have my thanks for your note of June 13th., which I am only answering now, as after returning from my European trip I traveled extensively on this continent, and did not return to New York until a few days ago.

I was sorry too, to have missed you when I called in London, and had purposely left my address with your secretary in the hope you would call me up at Claridges, and not hearing had come erroneously evidently to the conclusion that you had no particular item in mind to show me.

The carved oak crowned head of Henry III which you mention seems indeed an item of great importance, but as you so correctly write its historical meaning would probably give it greater value in England than over here.

It is difficult for me to answer your question, as I am truly not looking for anything in particular, except that I am always interested in early works of art of high quality and in reasonably good condition. For instance, marble sculptures (but not the ordinary type of Nottingham), very fine enamels, either of the 12th. or 13th. centuries, or even painted ones of the 16th. century, or/and particularly translucent ones in silver or gold, as well as in Renaissance jewels.

I think, if I may suggest this, that from time to time you ^[[might]] send me photographs with prices, and you can always count upon me to answer you by return amil, and also return such photographs if you wish me to.

I definitely am not interested in furniture and hardly at all in tapestries, nor in terra-cotta sculptures.

The great trouble I found in England was prices, as they were so much higher than our selling prices over here would be.

However, I always feel that it is indispensable to try, and will certainly be extremely pleased to hear from you,

Yours sincerely,

(Germain Seligman)

F. Surgey, Esq.
c/o Acton Surgey, Ltd.
6 Albemarle St.
London W.1

[[margin]] [[underlined]] ^[[Surgey]] [[/underlined]] [[/margin]]
