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Tower apartments, - such little activity. Of course, there have been one or two bright moments, which I had better explain to you verbally.

I am dreadully sorry to hear of your illness.  I don't know of a person who has not had the grippe and I myself have been suffering extremely for weeks, with my tteth, running around in the most irritable and erratic temper, which Starr once in a while endeavored to calm down with a shot of whisky, or so.

I am sorry that the job in Brussels did not turn out acceptable.  I myself never liked the city and it always appeared to me so out of the way and dead.  I never have met anybody attractive or interesting from Brussels - not even as a vegetable, the mere idea of Brussels sprouts makes me shiver.

Write me a few lines at once, to my Paris office, as to how long you intend staying in Switzerland, and when you intend threatening Paris with your "voluminous" presence, or have you really reduced?  Write me as I would like to talk a matter over which preys on my mind and is of great importance to me.

In fact, you might investigate already now, and perhaps consult on this question, with Albert Mayer, to whom, if I recall correctly, I had mentioned the man in question, when he was here, and who seemed to know him.  I am speaking of Mr. Reinhardt in Winterthur, whom as you know, is one of the celebrated art collectors in Europe, and whom I am extremely interested to get in personal touch with and establish a closer contact.  I should think it would not be too difficult for you to look among your Swiss friends to arrange this.

In any case, I would be grateful to you if you would write me to Paris your ideas in this matter, or any results you may accomplish.


Transcription Notes:
.2nd sentence - "dreadfully" is misspelled as "dreadully" Page printed on back of this one makes it difficult to read.