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PICASSO, Pablo (1881-  )

[[underlined]] "THE YOUNG GOD" [[/underlined]]

Pen and ink drawing: 15 x 18 inches

Signed and dated lower left: "2 Mai - 40 Picasso"

A young Satyr, seated at the right, watches over a sleeping figure whose reflection is seen in a mirror.

Collections: From the artist.

[[underlined]] Exhibited: 

[[/underlined]] "Exhibition of Drawings, Gouaches, and Water Colours" Georges de Braux, Inc. Philadelphia, Pa. Jan 10-29,1949.

"Master Drawings of Five Centuries" Jacques Seligmann & Co., N. Y. Jan. 15, - Feb. 3, 1951 no 29.

Price: $1600. (one thousand six hundred dollars)