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^[[✓]] CT ES January 7, 1927

Mrs. Gustavus Swift,
1551 Astor St.,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Mrs. Swift,

I have just seen Miss Ackerman and she tells me that you are considering the very fine Gothic tapestry which we lent her for exhibition at the Arts Club.

It is needless for me to tell you anything about this tapestry, as Miss Ackerman, undoubtedly, has told you everything there is to be said about it, but all I can add is I think it is most admirably suited for your house which you so kindly showed me when I called to see you about two years ago with an introduction from Ruth Maguire.

Miss Ackerman tells me you were speaking about our main establishment in Paris, the Ancien Palais Sagan, and I hope that if you get to Paris this year that you will not forget to come in and see us there, as apart from our collection of all kinds of works of art, the building itself is one of the finest private residences erected during the time of Louis XVI, and it was built by the famous architect Brongniart.  I am herewith enclosing you a pamphlet describing and illustrating the Palais Sagan which I think you will be interested to see.

Taking this opportunity of wishing you a Happy New Year, and with my kind regards, believe me to be

Yours very truly,
