Viewing page 12 of 43

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] May 9 to Plummers [[/underlined]] Island

Catbird  com
Robin  " [[dito for: com]]
House wren  2
Grackle  com. in town
Cowbird  3 in field
Bluebird  2
Chewink   com
White throated sparrow  2
Chippy " [[ditto for: sparrow]]  com
Song  3
Mockingbird  1
Chat  com
Red eyed vireo  " [[ditto for: com]]
Yellow throated vireo  " [[ditto for: com]]
White eyed "  [[ditto for: vireo]] 1
Flicker  com
Redhead ?   1 on island
Woodthrush  com.
Yellowrump Warbler 1
Yellow " [[ditto for: warbler]]  com
Prairie " [[ditto for: Warbler]]  " [[ditto for: com]]
Redstart  " [[ditto for: com]]
Phoebe   1
Kingbird  1
Swifts  com.
Rough winged swallow  " [[ditto for: com.]]
Maryland yellowthroat  " [[ditto for: com.]]
Buzzard  " [[ditto for: com.]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Crow  com.
Chickadee   2
Canadian flycatching warbler 1
Thrasher  2
Cardinal    com
Parula   2
[[Cotusuedus?]] 1 heard
Bobwhite  1 " [[ditto for: heard]]
Morning dove   1 " [[ditto for: heard]]

Transcription Notes:
ditto words need doing as per instructions