Viewing page 21 of 43

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] April 25 [[/underlined]] Zoo woods

Goldfinch  com
White throat   1
Junco  1
Song sparrow  com
Cardinal  " [[ditto for: com]]
Thrasher  2
Wood thrush  1
Phoebe  1
Black & White warbler  1
Redstart  1
Vireo solitarius  1
Grackle  com
Crow  " [[ditto for: com]]
Robin  " [[ditto for: com]]
Carolina wren  " [[ditto for: com]]
Polonia tree beginning to blossom
Buckeye " " [[dittos: for beginning to blossom]]

Gray squirrel eating elm seeds 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] April 26 [[/underlined]] Woodly

Wood thrush  1
Wren - house  2
Song Spar  com
Goldfinch   " [[ditto for: com]]
Grackle  " [[ditto for: com]]
Crow  " [[ditto for: com]]
Cardinal  " [[ditto for: com]]
Thrasher  " [[ditto for: com]]
Chewink  " [[ditto for: com]]
Chippy -  2
Field Spar  com
Oven bird   3
Piter  com
Carolina  2
Chickadee  2
Flicker  com
Robin  " [[ditto for: com]]
Blk & white  3
Cardinal  com
White throat  2
Redstart  2
Turkey buzzard  1

Transcription Notes:
Exactly the same as page 19, with dried plant removed update both if making changes - @meg_shuler