Viewing page 24 of 43

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] May 3 [[/underlined]] to office
Maryland yellowthroat  1 in yard
Ovenbird  1 " [[Ditto for: in yard]]
Wren  1 " [[Ditto for: in yard]]
Robins  com " [[Ditto for: in yard]]
Grackles " [[Ditto for: com]] " [[Ditto for: in yard]]
Goldfinches " [[Ditto for: com]] " [[Ditto for: in yard]]

Song sparrow  in park
Yellowthroated Vireo  1 " [[Ditto for: in park]]
Spotten Sandpiper, 1 " [[Ditto for: in park]]
catching bugs in garden
Yellow warbler  2 heard

Straw hat - 1 first

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] May 4 [[/underlined]] Under Com. Bridge
Wren  2 in yard
Ovenbird 1 " [[Ditto for: in yard]]
Maryland yellowthroat  1 " [[Ditto for: in yard]]
Wood thrush, 1 in park, com
Purple grackle " [[Ditto for: com]]
Crow " [[Ditto for: com]]
Robins " [[Ditto for: com]]
Buzzard  1
Song sparrow com
Cardinal " [[Ditto for: com]]
Field Spar " [[Ditto for: com]]
Goldfinch " [[Ditto for: com]]
Yellow warbler " [[Ditto for: com]]
Water thrush  1
Chat  2
Blue Jay  com
Black & white " [[Ditto for: com]]
Peter " [[Ditto for: com]]
Catbird  2
Redstart  com
Chewink  2
White throat com
Vireo solitarius  2
Cuckoo ?  1
Carolina wren  2
Phoebe  2
Yellow throated vireo  1
Kingfisher  1
Spotted Sandpiper  1
Swallow   Flicker com

[[written up the center of the page]] Straw hats 2 [[/written up the center of the page]]