Viewing page 34 of 43

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[[underlined]] May 20 to [[Carrage?]] Laboratory & back thro Zoo  2 hours [/underlined]]

Wren       2 in yard
Yellow warbler        co
Maryland yellowthroat  2
Wilsonia   1
Chestnut sided  1
Prairie  3
Bay breasted (F.) 1
Blackpoll  co
Ovenbird   "[[ditto for co]]
Chat       "[[ditto for co]]
Canadian warbler  1
Scarlet tanager  1
Redstart     co
Indigo       "[[ditto for co]]
Chippy       "[[ditto for co]]
Song sparrow "[[ditto for co]]
Field         1
Chewink      co
Cardinal     "[[ditto for co]]
Peter         1
Acadian flycatcher 2
Phoebe        2
Catbird      co
Thrasher     "[[ditto for co]]
Bluejay       1
Kingfisher    1
Wood thrush  co
White eyed vireo 1
Red eyed "[[ditto for vireo]]   3

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Redhead woodpecker  2
Flicker   1
Bobwhite  2
Spotted sandpiper  2
Rough winged swallow 4
Swift   a few
Crow     co
Grackle  "[[ditto for co]]
Wood pewee  2