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[[checkmark]] From [[underlined]] Henry Boswell, [[/underlined]] Washington, D.C.
Two downy young of the Silver Pheasant ([[underlined]] Gennāeus nycthernerus [[/underlined]]) bred in captivity.  ([[underlined]] Gift. [[/underlined]])

[[checkmark]] From [[underlined]] Prof. Cloyd Rutter, [[/underlined]] Chadron, Nebr.
One Prairie Sharp-tailed Grouse ([[underlined]] Pediocāetes phasianellus campestris [[/underlined]]) from Nebraska.  ([[underlined]] Gift. [[/underlined]])

[[checkmark]] From [[underlined]] Prof. M. J. Elrod, [[/underlined]] Bloomington, Ills.
49 specimens, 28 species of Illinois birds.  ([[underlined]] Exchange for publications. [[/underlined]])