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([[underlined]] canicaudus, [[/underlined]]) and 4 specimens of Mazatlan Yellow-throat  ([[underlined]] Geothlypis poliocephala?. [[/underlined]])  ([[underlined]] Gift. [[/underlined]])

[[underlined]] Specimens distributed [[/underlined]]

To [[underlined]] Mons. A. Suchetet, [[/underlined]] Paris, France.
One specimen of a hybrid wild duck ([[underlined]] Anas boschas x obscurus. [[/underlined]])
([[underlined]] Lent for examination. [[/underlined]])

[[underlined]] Minor routine work. [[/underlined]]

Official letters written | 9
Official memoranda written | 15
Requisitions ('house') written | 7
Orders for work written | 2
Memoranda of packing written | 4
Invoices written | 1
Papers for publication written, pages | 92