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From [[underlined]] H. W. Andrews, [[/underlined]] U.S. Consul, Amoy, China.
One specimen of [[underlined]] Hydrophasianus chirugus, [[/underlined]] one specimen of [[underlined]] Mergus albellus, [[/underlined]] and one specimen of [[underlined]] Coturnix coturnix, [[/underlined]] from China.  (Gift.)

From [[underlined]] H. P. Attwater, [[/underlined]] Rockport, Texas.
Two specimens of [[underlined]] Tympanuchus attwateri, [[/underlined]] from Aransas Co., Texas.  (Gift.)

From [[underlined]] H. P. Attwater, [[/underlined]] Rockport, Texas.
12 specimens of [[underlined]] Ammodramus mar. Sennetti, [[/underlined]] from Texas.  (Purchased.)

From [[underlined]] Dr. G. L. Nicholas, [[/underlined]] New York City.
12 specimens, 17 species, from New Jersey, Massachusetts and Virginia.  (Gift.)