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[[underlined]] D. G. Elliot. [[/underlined]]  A Monograph of the [[underlined]] Pittidae, [[/underlined]] or Family of Ant-Thrushes.  Second Edition, revised and enlarged.
Part I.  London.  April, 1893.  Folio.  10 colored plates and text.
The following species are figured in this part:  [[underlined]] Eucichla gurneyi, E. schwaneri, Pitta moluccensis, P. maxima, P. venusta, P. rosenbergi, P. oatesi, P. angolensis, P. arcuata, [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] P. sordida. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] D. G. Elliot. [[/underlined]]  A Monograph of the [[underlined]] Pittidae, [[/underlined]] or Family of Ant-Thrushes.  Second Edition, revised and enlarged.
Part II.  London.  December, 1893.  Folio.  10 colored plates and text.
In the present [[strikethrough]] new [[/strikethrough]] part illustrations of the following species are given:  [[underlined]] Eucichla ellioti, Pitta coerulea [[/underlined]] (two plates, showing adult male and female, and young), [[underlined]] Anthocincla phayrii, Pitta rufiventris, P. coronata, P. iris, P. ussheri, P. megarhyncha, [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] P. cucullata. [[/underlined]]

[[note]] Mr. Ridg. has no copy of above.  Cannot get pages.  Not in file or at Dept. Agric. [[/note]]