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FREDERICK DOUGLASS'S PAPER. Poetry. For Frederick Douglass' Paper. MORNING SONG. BY JAMES M. WHITFIELD. Awake! 'tis morn, The brilliant dawn Has ushered in the day; The Queen of night Has paled her light, The morning star its ray, Arise, and hark! The warbling lark Pours forth its morning lay, And seems to praise The sun's bright rays Which gild the opening day. Each bud and flower, From field and bower, Sheds fragrance all around! While through the trees The murmuring breeze Whispers with gentle sound. While notes of praise In varied lays From all the earth arise, Pour forth thy song In notes more strong And let it reach the skies. And bear above Such strains of love As none but thou canst raise, Save angel choirs Who tune their lyres To sing Jehovah's praise Miscellaneous. A Chapter from "The Master's House." AN UNSUCCESSFUL ENTERPRISE. Stoneyville is one of the most pleasant towns in the rural State of Vermont. It is in an out-of-the-way nook, on the very edge of the great currents of travel, yet not perceptibly influenced by them, for it retains most of its old times features, a large number of its best houses having been in existence at the time of the Revolution. Stoneyville is also somewhat remarkable for possessing an old ruin; a thing rare, indeed, in New England. Past the edge of the village flowed a spring-fed stream, which, at the lower part of the town, widened into quite a deep lake. Upon some rocks in the centre of this sheet of water, had many years before, been built by an unsuccessful speculator, a flour mill, now in decay; it having been discovered when too late, that the enterprise needed two things to make it succeed; enough swift running water to turn the mill, and enough wheat to keep it busy; both were wanted, but what the disappointed miller lost, the town of Stoneyville gained in the picturesque. The traditions of Stoneyville are very interesting: the little boys can point out the very spot where they say General Stark stood, when he made his famous address to his soldiers; where the Green mountain Boys bivouacked a few days before the battle of Bennington. They also have traditions of wounded soldiers, that were bro't into the town and lodged in specified houses, and who died encouraging the living never to surrender their liberties until death. These incidents are characteristic of the town of Stoneyville, but in them was all the bloodshed and violence that were familiar to the people, for no place was more peaceable, more primitive, than this little village. The uses of law were scarcely known, the poor-house and the jail were alike almost destitute of tenants. But for the many flourishing schools within its vicinity, and the consequent visiting of anxious parents, to witness the progress of their children, Stoneyville would have been forgotten, save to the little world of which it was the centre. Here it was the good fortune of Charles Broadnax, of whom we have heard in another chapter, to find a retreat, and here he had resided in peace, and would probably have continued to do so to the end of his days, had not his prosperity attracted the good natured attention of the local editor; who thus, while intending to compliment him, brought a knowledge of his whereabouts to the eye of Major Dixon, the bitter enemy of the African race. The negro-trader, in due course of time, for the accomplishment of his plans, having informed himself in Washington of the locality of Stoneyville, and also of the character of its inhabitants, chuckled over the prospect of the "hell of a fuss he was going to kick up among the Yankees;" and obtaining a temporary commission as U.S. Marshal, for one of his "own men," and selecting two others, who hung about the slave depots in Washington, for assistants; armed with the "solemn authority of law," and what they deemed necessary appendages, revolvers and bowie knives; the four were soon in the State of Vermont, and managed to remain long enough to concoct their plans at the railroad station, some five miles from Stoneyville, without, in the hurry and bustle of the passing to and fro, attracting any particular attention. Having secured a room at the railroad hotel, Dixon made his companions place all their weapons in his trunk, which he locked up; observing that if any of the inhabitants saw any of their "playthings," they would know that they were Southerners negro-hunting, and give the alarm. He then cautioned them not to swagger, or get intoxicated, but behave themselves until he returned; for, ever intent on business, he proposed at once to proceed on foot to Stoneyville; reconnoiter the place, find out where Charles was, lay all his plans; and then, with the assistance of his confederates, make the capture. With these ideas, he started up the road that led to his place of destination. It was a pleasant September afternoon; all nature smiled–the naturally sterile hillsides were mantled with ripening fruits–and the hay fields filled the air with fragrance. A long way off there could be seen the modest spire of Stoneyville church, glistening just above the intervening hills. "I wonder how these ere people manage to live," soliloquized Dixon, as he strod along; "cuss me!" he continued, looking around, "if they don't seem to keep fat on blue stone, for they've not much else to eat:" and then looking ahead, and perceiving the spire of the church, that for a moment came in full view, he said, "Thar's a church; I suppose that's the shop Charles is sexton of; why didn't they make him the preacher, or send him to Congress?" Just at this moment there came rattling along a two horse wagon, driven by a merry boy, some twelve years old; the horses in perfect condition, and looking fairly gay under their well-kept harnass. "Wal, I rayther guess you'd better ride," said the boy, holding up his steeds, to get Dixon's answer. "How far are you going?" inquired Dixon, his hand already on the fore wheel, ready to mount. "Wal, I'm goin' near to Stoneyville, but not right tu it," said the little teamster, his eyes dancing with life and health. Another moment, and the Major was hurried along at a swinging trot; and being a good judge of a horse, "almost as good," to use his own language, "as he was of niggers," he appeared highly delighted with his unexpected good fortune. It seemed to Dixon but a few moments before the boy stopped, and told him, although the town was entirely hidden from view, that just beyond the spur of the hill ahead, he would be at Stoneyville. Dixon jumped into the road, and taking from his pocket a twenty-five cent piece, offered it to the boy. "I hain't got no change," said the little fellow, gathering up the reins to move on. "Never mind the change," said Dixon, laughing. "Wall, I hope you don't guess I'll take all that money for such a little ride, do you?" "I guess you will," sneeringly returned Dixon, all of his hatred of the Yankee character being revived by the nasal twang of the urchin; "I guess you will take it, and you'd better buy one of these farms with part of it, and keep the rest to build you a house." The boy took the money with evident surprise at the liberality of the gift marked on his face, and laughed heartily at Dixon's remark, for he understood it exactly different for what it was intended; and then touching up his horses, soon rattled on out of sight. Now something in all this had annoyed Dixon, and he strod on to the village in exceeding bad humor. Although it was in the usual business hours of the day, he saw no one in the streets; the houses set back from the roads–the front doors were generally open–but all was still. He passed on to two modest-looking stoors; the inmates seemed to be absorbed in books, or half asleep. At the extreme end of the town he discovered an old-fashioned tavern sign, and to it he wended his way. Suddenly he heard the hum of busy voices, merry laughter, and other signs of life; and it appeared to him that by a simultaneous movement, the heretofore quiet streets were alive with children. The merry urchans poured out from almost every house, and went whooping in merry troops up and down the streets. Such a continued array of white faces, and rosy cheeks, depressed Dixon; and at the moment he would have looked upon a negro, if legitimately in his presence, with all the sentiment of suddenly seeing among strangers a familiar face. Dixon soon made an interested friend of the landlord of the "Farmer's Inn;" and although out of the usual hour, he ordered some refreshments, and then asked to be directed to the village barber. The landlord pointed him out the shop, and then disappeared to attend to his unexpected call for a dinner. Charles Broadnax lived near the centre of the village, and opposite the church. Over the door, in simple letters, was the name; and on the inside, the negro man could be seen busily dusting off the various articles that composed his stock in trade. A dark and terrible expression passed over the face of Dixon, as he saw the negro; but by a great effort of will, he controlled himself, and entered the "saloon." Charles, with professional courtesy, made the usual bow; and asked what the gentleman would have. Dixon signified his desire, and in another moment was undergoing the necessary, but not the very poetical infliction of being shaved. Charles was at leisure, and took more than usual pains to please; and when Dixon came from under his manipulations, he looked vastly improved. Before Dixon left, Charles's two children of seven and nine years of age, came into the shop, and leaving some message, immediately went out again. Dixon paid his bill, and casually inquired: "You have some children, I see?" "Yes" said Charles, "I have got four." "And how do you manage to live in this cold country?" inquired Dixon, pretending to be very much interested with a picture that ornamented the wall. There was something in the tone of the voice and manner of Dixon that now alarmed Charles, yet he could not tell why. The sound of the voice–the cold, distrustful, and evidently unsympathizing expression–revived recollections that had been slumbering in his memory for years; and yet, while his heart sunk within him, nothing visible to his eye seemed to justify his fears. Dixon saw the mental agitation of his victim, and was confirmed in his idea the was talking to the fugitive; but to place the matter beyond a doubt, he said: "I rode up from the railroad depot with one of your citizens, and I have heard your story with a great deal of interest." "Ah!" said Charles, instantly recovering his spirits (for his escape from slavery was quite a familiar romance in the vicinity;) "many people do talk of my having come from the South; but for that, I should almost forget it myself." Dixon said no more, but walked back to the "Farmers' Inn," and commenced in excellent spirits his plain, but neatly dressed, and substantial dinner. The landlord was a garrulous man, and talked about a thousand things of no possible interest to Dixon; but upon that gentleman mentioning what an excellent barber the town of Stoneyville was blessed with, Boniface went into the whole details of Charles's coming to the town,–his early struggle to maintain himself,–and his final triumphs; and then launched off into a tirade against slavery, and wound up with loud denunciations on the head of negro traders, whom the landlord said he had Charles's authority for asserting "were a pack of thieving scoundrels, who would do anything base to sell the souls and bodies of the unfortunate slave." "Did that nigger barber say that?" growled Dixon, as well as he could, with his mouth full of excellent pudding. The landlord, perfectly delighted that he had at last touched upon a subject that interested his guest, replied: "Yes, he said that; and I'll add," continued the landlord, determined to be agreeable, 'that a man that will give himself up to make a trade of selling human beings,–to separating parents and children,–deserves to go down to the bottomless pit, where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth." "That's your opinion, is it?" said Dixon, perfectly strangled with wrath, and purple in his face. "It is," said the landlord, still unconscious of the effect of his remarks; "and it's the opinion of every decent man in the country;" and then pausing a moment, and giving his language great effect, he continued: "Charles says, that in the South even, a nigger trader is despised and loathed, and not allowed to sit at a gentleman's table; and if such is the case––" "Shut up your infernal gab!" finally roared Dixon, almost in an apoplectic fit, "and the devil take Charles! Can't you let a man eat a meal in your house, without insulting him, you chuckle headed fool?" The landlord fell back against the wall, overcome with astonishment. "I hope I haven't offended you!" he said, the moment he could speak. Dixon, who had convulsively seized the carving knife before him, and half risen in his chair, dropped the weapon, and settling back in his seat, while his face was still black with indignation, he begged the landlord to excuse him, "as he was subject to flows of blood to the head." In a few moments he paid his bill, and walked precipitately into the street. The instant that he reached the highway, and was beyond observation and bearing, he unloosed his neck-kerchief, to let the air come to his neck, for its veins were swelling and heaving as if heated by an internal fire; and then throwing his arms about him as if to obtain more relief, he poured out upon the landlord of the "Farmers' Inn," and upon Charles, curses and maledictions that rivalled the fiends themselves; and it was not until he had walked the whole five miles necessary to reach the railroad station, that he was fairly self-possessed. Dixon, on his arrival among his confederates, kept up the discipline necessary for the best execution of his plans. He would not allow them to appear much together in the street, nor would he, when observed, have much to say to them himself. It was not until ten o'clock at night, that they met in their sleeping room, and discussed their plans. Dixon gave a graphic account of his adventures at Stoneyville, and was further enraged at his friends' laughter, as he detailed how the landlord, to use the deputy United States marshal's language, "hit him under the short ribs;" but the conclave finally concluded, that it would be a great thing gained, if it were possible, "to stake the landlord down, and give him a 'hundred,' before they carried off his nigger friend, Charles." And how far is Stoneyville from this place?" inquired the deputy marshal. "Five miles," said Dixon, sententiously. "Five miles!" repeated the marshal, pulling out an old watch; "why, Major Dixon," he continued, "it is now only eleven o'clock; we can get to Stoneyville by one, and take the nigger in his den, asleep, and be back in time for the three o'clock morning train." "I know that," snarled Dixon, " I could go back alone to Stoneyville, and take him myself, and bring him here; but that isn't the thing,–I want a row,–I want some of them guessing Yankees to interfere; I want that landlord to get a rip with a bowie,–I want to make these fellows feel what it is to infringe on Southern rights. The two men, whom Dixon had hired to accompany him, finally fell into a slumber, but the deputy marshal seemed a little nervous about his "official capacity," from the fact, that his commission seemed to him a profound delegation of terrible power, and he was constantly afraid that it would either be infringed upon, or not sufficiently exerted; so he kept wide awake, and continued in conversation with Dixon. TO BE CONTINUED CICELY HUNT; OR, THE LAME GIRL. What a holy and beautiful thing is a mother's love! Every morning, about eight o'clock, I have noticed, limping past my window to school, a little lame-girl. A woman goes with her; supporting her gently by the arm and carrying her satchel of books. The girl is very poorly clad. Sometimes her dress will be patched with two or three different colors; but it is always very clean; and I have observed that her stockings, though coarse, are always whole, and that her shoes are neatly tied up. The woman who goes with her looks tidy too; though she wears a rusty black bonnet, of an old fashioned make, and a faded shawl. Cicely's little school-mates bound past her; skipping, hopping, jumping and running, as if they could not exercise their legs enough. The lame girl looks at them, smiles a sad, quite smile, and looks up tearfully in her mother's face The mother answers back with a look so full of love, and lays her hand upon her child's arm, as much as to say, "I love you all the more, because you are a poor, little helpless cripple." And so they travel over the icy pavements to school; (stepping very carefully, for it would be a sad thing if Cicely should slip and fall;) until, at last, they reach the school house. What a blessing are free schools! What a difference it makes in the life of that poor girl, to be able to read! How many weary hours of pain will a nice book beguile!– And, beside, if one has not a cent in the world, if one has a good education, it is worth as much as money in the bank,–and more, too, because banks often turns out great humbugs, and then people lose all the money they have placed in them. Cicely was not always poor. She can remember (just as you can dream, when you first rub open your eyes in the morning) a great big house with richly carpeted halls, and massive chandeliers, and rich sofas and curtains and gilded mirrors, and silver vessels, and black servants. She remembers that her father carried a gold-headed cane, that he used to let her play horse with; and that he used to sit a long while at the table with gentlemen, drinking wine and eating fruit after dinner; and that often, he would ring for the nurse to bring her in, to show her to the gentlemen when her curls had been nicely smoothed and her little embroidered frock put on; and that then he would stand her up on the table and make her sing a little song, and that the gentlemen would clap their hands and laugh and grow very merrily about it. Then she remembers that one day there was a great running to and fro in the house; and she saw her father lifted from a carriage in the arms of two gentlemen, and that blood was flowing from his side; and then her nurse caught her up, and carried her into the nursery, and she didn't go downstairs or see her papa again for many days; and she remembers that one day, getting tired waiting for him to come up and see her, she crept down by herself to his room, and found him lying on the bed, with his hands crossed over his breast, and only a linen sheet thrown over him, though it was very cold weather; and she said, "Papa?"–but he didn't answer; and she got a chair and climbed up on it to put her hand on his face, to wake him, but he was as cold as the marble image in the hall; and then her nurse called, "Cicely!–Cicely!" and seemed frightened, when she found her there; but wouldn't tell her why her papa laid there so still, or why he wouldn't speak to his little girl. And then she remembers going away from the big house, and bidding good-bye to her black nurse; and ever since that they had lived in poor places, and people spoke harshly to them; and though her mamma never answered them back, she sighed heavily, and sometimes leaned her head on her hand and wept. And one night it snowed in on the bed, and Cicely caught cold and had fever, which left her with the dreadful lameness that I told you about; and then Cicely's mother groaned because she had no money; for she thought some of the great doctors, if they were well paid for it, might think it worth their while to try and cure Cicely. Cicely's limb was less painful now than it had been for two years, although it was quite useless; but her mother, as I told you helped her to limp to school. Cicely kept hoping it would get quite well, and she wanted to learn as fast and as much as she could; because she thought if she got all the medals, the Committee might say, "Cicely, we must have you for a teacher here, some day." Yes; why not? Stranger things than that have happened; and then, perhaps, she could earn enough to (and here Cicely had to stop to think, because there were so many things they wanted,)–earn enough to buy a pair of warm blankets for their bed; and enough to have a cup of tea Sunday nights; and enough to keep a fire and a light through the long winter evenings, and not have to go to bed because they were so cold, and because candles were so dear. Yet; Cicely was looking forward to all that, when she limped along to school. She thought it would be so delightful to empty her purse in her mother's lap, and say: "Dear mother, you needn't work any more. I will support you now." Oh, what a nice thing hope is! Sometimes, to be sure, she leads us a long dance for nothing; but I am very certain that were it not for hope, we shouldn't be good for much. Many a poor groaner has she clapped on the back, and made him leap to his feet and set his teeth together, and spring over obstacles as if he had on "seven league boots." She is a little coquettish, but I like her. She has helped me out of many a hobble. Well, as the great speakers say, this is a digression. Do you know what that is? It is leaving off what you are about, to dance off to something else–just as I did up there about hope. Now I'm going on! One day the committee came to Sicely's school, to hear the scholars recite; and Cicely stood up in her patched gown as straight as she could, and recited her lessons. One of the gentlemen who had come in with the committee asked, "Who is that young girl who said her lesson so well?" "Cicely Hunt?" he repeated, after the teacher–"Cicely Hunt! She was not lame; and then-why-no-it can't be: the thing is quite impossible," and he leaned back in his chair, and looked at Cicely. After school was over he said to her, "Do you sing, Cicely?" "Not now," said Cicely, blushing. "I used to sing, a long while ago, when I was little." "When Cicely?" "I sang to-to-my papa," said Cicely–tears springing to her eyes. "I used to sing, 'Blue eyed Mary,' for the gentlemen who dined with Papa." Then the gentleman (pretending to look out the window) wiped his eyes, and turning to the teacher, they whispered a long while together, now and then looking at Cicely. That evening when Cicely and her mother were warming their fingers over a fire of shavings, somebody knocked at the door. Cicely blushed, when she saw the same gentleman she had seen at the school coming in, and looked anxiously about the room. But Mr. Raymond was not looking at the room. I doubt if he saw anything, his eyes were so full of tears; but he held Cicely's mother by the hand several minutes, without speaking, and led her back to the chair with as much deference as if she had been a Duchess; and then Cicely found out, as they talked, that he was one of her father's old friends, and that, as sometimes happens, even between friends, they had a quarrel, and that then they were both mistaken enough to think that the most gentlemanly way to settle it was to fight a duel; and that Mr. Raymond wounded her father, and had to go away as fast as possible, because there was so much noise about it, and that he had been very unhappy ever since, and would have given all he had to have brought him to life again, and that when he returned to his native city he had searched everywhere for Mrs. Hunt and Cicely, without finding them. Well, now he wanted to support Cicely and her mother, but Mrs. Hunt did not like that. She forgave him the sorrow he had brought upon her because he had suffered so much; but she did not wish to be supported by him. However, she allowed him to find her a better place to live in, and get her some scholars to teach, who paid her high prices, and by and by Cicely helped her, and so they supported themselves; which is a far pleasanter way of living than to be dependent. Cicely was never entirely cured of her lameness; but a physician made her much more comfortable; so she could walk by herself with the aid of a crutch; and Mrs. Hunt's last days, after all, were her best days; for, we should never know, my dear wttle pets, how brightly the sun shines, if it liere never clouded. FANNY FERN. CURIOSITIES OF CHINA. –Here is man leading a white goat with only three legs, which he wishes to sell, but on a careful examination we perceive that one of the fore legs has been amputated while the animal was young. There are half a dozen gaming tables, each surrounded by its crown of players and spectators.– The Chinese are inveterate gamblers, and as the stakes at many of these tables are as low as a single cash, few are so poor that they cannot make a venture. One of the methods has some resemblance to the "little jokers," so will known at our race courses. The player has three sticks, the ends of which are thrust thro' his fingers. There is a hole through each of the other ends, which are held in his hand; a cord is passed through one of them, and the play consists in guessing which one, as the cord may be transferred from one to the other by quick movement of the fingers. I put a "cash" on the board, make a guess and win a cake of suspicious looking candy, which I give to the nearest boy, to great merriment of the bystanders.–There are also stands for the sale of peanuts, reminding us of the classic sidewalks of Chatham street, and for the sake of Young America, we must invest a few cash in its favorite fruit. But here is an entertainment of an entirely novel character. A man, seated on the pavement, holds in his hand, a white porcelain tile, about a foot square. This he overspreads with a deep blue color, from a sponge dipped in a thin paste of indigo, and asks us to name a flower. I suggest the lotus. He extends his forefinger–a most remarkable forefinger–flexible as an elephant's trunk–and as sharp as if the end had been whittled off–gives three or four quick dashes across the tile, and in ten seconds or less, lo! there is the flower, exquisitely drawn and shaded, its snowy cup hanging in the midst of its long, swaying leaves. Three more strokes, and a white bird, with spread wings, hovers over it; two more and a dog stands beside it. The rapidity and precision of that forefinger seems almost miraculous. He covers the tile with new layers of color, and flower after dashed out of the blue ground.– Baynard Taylor. A LUNAR WONDER.–Our readers are doubtless well aware that the greater part of the visible surface of the moon is crowded with craters. They surmount the highest peaks, they occur in the depths of the valleys, and checker the monotony of the plains. They even cling to the sides of the cliffs and overlap each other. In dimensions they greatly exceed the craters of our earth, some of them measuring as much as a hundred miles in diameter. One of the most remarkable these craters is said to be that of Mount Eratosthenes, which is large mountain standing at the extremity of a range called the Appenines. The crater is thirty-seven miles in width; the interior being in fact a large plain, surrounded by a wall six thousand feet in height. The level of the crater is three thousand feet below the surface of the ground outside, thus making the height of its sides, on the exterior, but three thousand feet. In the centre of the inner plain rises a huge cone to a height of sixteen thousand feet or about ten thousand feet above the sides of the crater. When we remember that Mount Washington is but about six thousand five hundred feet above the level of the sea, we can form some idea of vastness and grandeur of the volcanic scenery of the moon. HOW TO MAKE LOVE.–A bashful gentleman, who for some time admired a lady without daring to disclose his passion, sitting near her on Sunday at church, hit upon the following method of declaring it: Taking up his bible he handed it over to her, having first turned a leaf on which he had marked with a pencil the following in the epistle of St. John, 2d chapter, 6th verse: "And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another." The lady in a few minutes returned it with this passage down and marked: (Ruth, 1st ch., 16th verse.)–"Whither thou goest I will go; where thou lodgest I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, thy God my God.–Where thou diest there will I die, and there will I be buried also. The Lord do so to me, and more also if aught but death part thee and me." LEARNING VS. DISCIPLINE.–What is the use of battering a man's brains against a lot of Greek and Latin pot-hooks which he forgets before he doffs his last round jacket or puts on this first long tailed blue, if ye do not teach them the old Spartan virtue of obedience, hard living, early rising, and them sort of classics?–Where's the use of instructing him in hexameters, if you would leave him in ignorance of the value of a penny piece? What height of stupidity it is to be filling a boy's brains with the wisdom of the ancients, and then turn him out like an omadhaun, to pick up his vituals among the moderns!–Blackwood's Magazine. Advertisements. HOUSE AND LOT–No. 23 Spencer St., formerly occupied by Mrs. Perry, for sale. Lot 50 feet front by 132 feet deep. Property well located, and for sale on time. W.Breck & Co., 55 Buffalo Street. 338 A FREE SOIL HOUSE. William K. Brown informs his friends that he has opened a FREE SOIL HOUSE, and will endeavor to give satisfaction to all who may patronize him. No.23 SENECA STREET, Cleveland, O. 344 BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE OF W. BRECK & Cc., 55 Buffalo Street, Rochester. UNCURRENT MONEY BOUGHT AND SOLD. DRAFTS FOR SALE ON NEW YORK. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS 338 FOR SALE–$10,000 New York Central Rail Road Stock by W. BRECK & CO., Bankers, 55 Buffalo S, Rochester N.Y. 338 INSURANCE, WE are now insuring Life and Property in some of the oldest most reliable stock Insurance companies of Hartford, Conn., Providence, R.I., and New York City. Our country friends in particular are invited to call on us before insuring elsewhere. Office, 16 Arcade, Rochester, N.Y., DANIEL ANTHONY, D.R. ANTHONY 340 W. BRECK & CO., BANKERS, NUMBER 55 BUFFALO STREET, ROCHESTER, N. Y., SELL SIGHT DRAFTS drawn by Duncan Sherman & Co., of New York on the Union Bank, London, in sums from £1 to a £1,000. These Drafts we make available at all the principle towns in Belgium, Russia, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Prussia, France, Spain, Portugal, China, India, Greece, Syria, Egypt, Australia, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, or at any other part of Europe that the purchaser may desire. Also, PASSAGE TICKETS from Europe to this country, and from New York to California. 338 LOST PRINCE "DAUPHIN" STILL LIVING. TRUE STORIES FROM HISTORY. By Hugh De Normand 1 Vol. 12mo, with Portraits on Steel. Price $1,00. In the stories of the Revolution, the author has detailed the mournful history of the "Dauphin," and presented a summary of the evidence so far discovered, in regard to that most interesting historical question–the identity of Rev. Eleazer Williams with Louis XVII. For Sale by the Publishers, WANZER, BEARDSLEY & Co., Rochester, N.Y, 325 EDWARD V. CLARK, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, 89 1/2 CANAL STREET, NEW YORK, KEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment Gold and Silver Lever Watches, Gold guards and Vest chains, Finger rings, Brooches, Gold and Silver Pencil cases, Gold pens, &c. Silver and Plated Ware, Chronometers, Duplex, Lever, Horizontal and Vertical Watches, Musical boxes, and Foreign clocks carefully reparied. LIST OF PRICES Ladies' fine gold watches, as low as $25 A fine gold lever, full jeweled, at 35 English gold patent levers at 40, 45, & 55 Eng. hunting patent levers, gold faces, at 65 Silver levers, full jewelled, at 15 Cylinder Watches at 10 [[symbol: index]] Each Watch warranted one year. 238 TO COLORED MEN OF BUSINESS. A RARE chance for a partner with a cash cipital from three to six hundred dollars to engage in the wholesale and retail new and second-hand clothing trade. To a man of energy this is an inducement rarely offered. A business of years standing--a large and rapidly increasing run of good cash customers--a fine store on as good a business street as any city can afford, and a good credit with some of the most respectable firms in the city of New York. The partner solicited may employ in the business his time and means, or the latter only; for which the most undoubted securities will be given. To a man wishing to engage into a sure and respectable business without hazard, would do well to communicate immediately to the undersigned when the particulars will be given. J. N. STILL & CO, 56 Atlantic St., Brooklyn, L. I. 267 W. BRECK & CO., SUCCESSORS TO FAIRCHILD AND SMITH. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, NO. 55 BUFFALO STREET. Foreign Exchange and Emigration Office. TO OLD COUNTRYMEN. WE have been appointed agents by Messrs. Duncan, Sherman & Co., New York, for drawing sight drafts on London, payable at all the Banks of England, Ireland and Scotland. Drafts issued at our counter to enclose in your own letter. We can also issue at our counter, passage tickets to forward in your own letters, in a London and Liverpool Line of Packet Ships, owned by one of the largest shipping houses in the United States.–Your friends are not subject to any delay, but can, on receipt of ticket, come out at once. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention. We can also forward money to France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, and to all the principal cities in Europe. Bank of England notes, drafts on New York, letters of credit, &c., cashed at our office.–We also buy Canada Western, and other uncurrent money. We send money to all parts of the United States. We receive money on deposit, and pay seven per cent, interest for the time it remains with us, allowing a person to draw his money and interest at any time he chooses. We insure property in the best Insurance Companies in the United States, and pay all losses promptly. W. BRECK & Co., 55 Buffalo-st., opposite the Eagle Hotel, Rochester. 338 WILL BE PUBLISHED ON THE FIRST OF JUNE NEXT, 1854., JULIENNE, THE DAUGHTER OF THE HAMLET. Tous ce qui est beau, est aussi rare. BY HUGH DE NORMAND, AUTHOR OF "TWO ERAS OF FRANCE; OR, TRUE STORIES FROM HISTORY," ETC. ONE VOLUME 12MO., ABOUT 352 PAGES. THE scene of this Romance is partly laid among the mountains of Calabria, then the rendezvous of notorious bands of Brigands and Gypsies. The volume contains many fine and appreciative descriptions of nature, with bold and graphic sketches of character. Its incidents and adventures are striking and often very touching, and the lessons of life which it inculcates are eminently pure and salutary. "The Daughter of the Hamlet" was born and nurtured in the communion of the Romish Church, but the convictions of her maturer years led her to embrace the Protestant faith. The work is not controversial in its tone, but under the guise of romance, and aided by the charms of adventure, it teaches truth and goodness. The Author has gleaned in a new field, and with most successful results. Price–Muslin, gilt, $1,00–Gilt edges, $1,25–Full gilt edges and sides, $1,75. Discount of forty per cent, to the trade. [[symbol: index]] Early orders are solicited. WANZER, BEARDSLEY & CO., Rochester, N. Y., ALDEN, BEARDSLEY & CO., Auburn, N. Y., Publishers. 335 NEW YORK CENTRAL COLLEGE, Located in the Village of McGrawville, in the County of Cortland, New-York, was Founded in 1849, upon the broad principles of "EQUAL RIGHTS, AND CHRISTIAN REFORM," and is open to all persons, of both sexes, of good moral character. IT has been the purpose of the Trustees of this School, from the first, to make it both safe, and inviting to Students; and we believe we may now safely recommend it–under the supervision and care of President Leonard G. Calkins, whose ability for that responsible office has been most happily tested, by a competent "Board of Instruction,"–free from the unholy influences of larger towns, and pervaded by Moral influences, Republican habits and Christian example, associated with Manual Labor, we think Parents must feel a degree of security, begotten by no other set of circumstances. One arrangement in this Institution, not to be overlooked in this day of "Public Speaking," is a Rhetorical Class, with daily exercises in Extemporaneous Speaking, under the careful training of the President. The Student of small means, aspiring to a thorough intellectual education, by his own energies, will find in this College, sympathy and aid in his arduous and noble work. The Manual Labor Department of the School is under the supervision of Mr. Luther Wellington, a Practical Farmer, a kind and benevolent man, on a Farm of one hundred and fifty-seven acres. A Primary School is taught by Miss Keziah King, a thorough and efficient Teacher, for the accommodation of any who may not be prepared to enter the Academic Department. The Boarding Hall will be conducted by Mr. Lyman Butts, who,, together with an amiable family, will make Boarding both cheap and pleasant. The College Year is divided into three Terms. The first Term, of fourteen weeks, will open on the first Thursday in September. The second, or Winter Term, will commence on the second Thursday in December, and continue fourteen weeks. The third and last, or Summer Term, will begin on the second Thursday in April, and close at the College Commencement, on the second Wednesday in July. [[symbol: index]] Any inquiries, relating immediately to the School, should be addressed to President L. G. Calkins, McGrawville, Cortland county, N Y. Anything regarding Pecuniary affairs, should be addressed to A. Caldwell, Treasurer, of the same place. We would take this opportunity to recommend to the Public, our tried and approved Agents, Silas Hammond and S. H. Taft, as worthy of their confidence. A CALDWELL, Gen. Agent. McGrawville: February, 1854. 324-tf CALL FOR A NATIONAL EMIGRATION CONVENTION OF COLORED MEN. To be held in Cleveland, Ohio, on the 24th, 25th and 26th of August, 1854. MEN AND BRETHREN:–The time has now fully come, when we, as an oppressed people, should do something effectively, and use those means adequate to the attainment of the great and long desired end–to do something to meet the actual demands of the present and prospective necessities of the rising generation of the people in this country. To do this, we must occupy a position of entire equality, of unrestricted rights, composed in fact, an acknowledged necessary part of the ruling element of society in which we live. The policy necessary to the preservation of this element must be in our favor, if ever we expect the enjoyment, freedom, sovereignty, and equality of rights anywhere. For this purpose, and to this end, then, all colored men in favour of emigration out of United States, and opposed to the American Colonization sheme of leaving the Western Hemisphere, are requested to meet in CLEVELAND, OHIO, on TUESDAY, the 24th DAY of AUGUST, 1854, in a great NATIONAL CONVENTION, then and there, to consider and decide upon the great and important subject of emigration from the United States. No person will be admitted to a seat in the Convention, who would introduce the subject of emigration to the Eastern Hemisphere–either to Asia, Africa, or Europe–as our object and determination is to consider our claims to the West Indies, Central and South America, and the Canadas. This restriction has no reference to personal preference, or individual enterprise; but to the great question of national claims to come before the Convention. All persons coming to the Convention must bring credentials properly authenticated, or bring verbal assurance to the Committee on Credentials–appointed for the purpose–of their fidelity to the measures and objects set forth in this Call; as the Convention is specifically by and for the friends of emigration, and NONE OTHERS–and no opposition to them will be entertained. The question is not whether our condition can be better by emigration, but whether it can be made worse. If not, then, there is no part of the widespread universe, where our social and political condition I'm not better than here in our native country, and nowhere in the world as here, proscribed on account of color. We are friends, too, and ever will stand shoulder to shoulder by our brethren, and all true friends in all good measures adopted by them, for the bettering of our conditioning this country, and surrender no rights but with our last breath; but as the subject of emigration is a vital importance, Ann has ever been shunned by all delegated assemblages of our people as heretofore met, we cannot longer delay, and will not be further baffled; and deny the right of our most sanguine friend or dearest brother, to prevent an intelligent enquiry to, and the carrying our of these measures, when this can be done, to our entire advantage, as we propose to show in Convention–as the West Indies, Central and South America–the majority of which are peopled by our brethren, all those identified with us in race, and what is more, destiny on this continent–all stand with open arms and yearning hearts, importunity us in the name of suffering humanity to come–to make common cause, and share one common fate on the continent. The Convention will meet without fail, at the time fixed for assembling, as none but those favorable to emigration are admissible; therefore no other gathering may prevent it. The number of delegates will not be restricted–except in the town where the Convention may be held–and there number will be decided by the Convention when assembled, that they may not too far exceed the other delegations. The time and place fixed for holding the convention are ample; affording sufficient time, and a leisure season generally–and as Cleveland is now the centre of all directions–a good and favorable opportunity to all who desire to attend.–Therefore, it may reasonably be the greatest gathering of the colored people ever before as assembled in a Convention in the United States. Colonizationists are advised, that no favors will be shown to them or their expatriating scheme, as we have no sympathy with the enemies of our race. All colored men, East, West, North and South, favorable to the measures set forth in this Call will send in their names (post-paid) to M. R. Delany, or Rev. Wm. Webb, Pittsburgh, Pa.; that there may be arranged and attached to the Call, give names from each State. We must make an issue, create an event, and establish a position for ourselves. It is glorious to think of, but far more glorious to carry out. REV. WM. WEBB,} M. R. DELANY,} H. G. WEBB,} THOS. A. BROWN,} JOHN JONES,} R. L. HAWKINS,} SAML. VENERABLE,} JOHN WILLIAMS,} A. F. HAWKINS,} S. W. SANDERS,} JEFFERSON MILLER} Pittsburgh, Pa. REV. A. R. GREEN,} P. L. JACKSON,} J. H. MALONEY,} G. HARPER,} JONATHAN GREEN,} H. A. JACKSON,} E. R. PARKER,} SAMUEL BRUCE,} Alleghany City. J. J. GOULD BIAS, M. D.,} REV. M. M. CLARK,} A. M. SUMNER,} JOHNSON WOODLIN,} Phil. JAMES M. WHITFIELD,} JOHN N. STILL,} STANLEY MATHEWS,} New York BOOKS, STATIONARY, &c. WANZER, BEARDSLEY & CO., AT THEIR OLD STAND, No. 24 BUFFALO St., ROCHESTER, N. Y., HAVING been engaged during a series of years in the publication and sale of an extended and varied list of BOOKS, are now fully prepared to supply their old as well as new customers, on the same liberal terms, and at even lower rates than heretofore. The demand for their new publications in the Eastern markets, finishes facilities for trade and exchange which enable them to sell all miscellaneous and school stock of other publishers at the same low prices as their own books–being but little above the actual cost of manufacturing. We earnestly invite attention to our edition of the QUARTO BIBLE–feeling confident from the abundant testimony of numerous customers that we supply a better book for the price than any other house. Our stock of LIBRARY BOOKS, for Schools and incorporated Institutions, have been most carefully selected from the Eastern markets and will be supplied in all cases on the most favorable terms. Medium, Cap. Letter, and Note Paper, of every variety, constantly on hand, and furnished in large or small quantities, at New York prices. Also, Blank work and Stationary, of almost every description, in quantities to suit the purchaser, and at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction. Thankful for former favors from the country trade, teachers, agents, and all purchasers of Books, we solicit a continuance of patronage, pledging ourselves to use every necessary and proper endeavour to afford bargains would shall please. We hold ourselves in readiness to furnish Western dealers and country merchants generally, at the same prices as their New York bills, and often lower, that's saving transportation, and several days' time in receiving their goods. Orders are respectfully solicited, and will be promptly answered on the same terms as if purchases were present. 332. THE GREAT NEW YORK PIANO AND MUSIC ESTABLISHMENT, 333 BROADWAY. NE PLUS ULTRA PIANOS. T. GILBERT & CO.'S celebrated Pianos, with iron frames and circular scales, are acknowledged to be the best in the world; the beauty of times and solidity of construction, which render them adapted to all climates, have stamped them by artists and the public to be "Ne plus ultra Pianos." The Eolian Patent.–T. Gilbert & Co. are the owners of this much admired attachment, which gives to the Piano the beautiful tone of the organ, without its losing any of its original tone or solidity. It is needless to add that being the owners of this Patent, T. Gilbert & Co. can supply the public with Eolian Pianos at prices less than any other house. Second hand Pianos at great bargains from 40 to 150 dollars. Melodeons.–S. D. & H. W. Smith's celebrated Melodeons tuned–the equal temperament and the harmony being as good in the remote keys as it is in the common–the only Melodeons so tuned, and are unquestionably the best; in corroboration of which statement please see the Editor's notice of the New York Musical Review of October. New Music.–All the best productions of the most eminent composers in America and Europe published daily. HORACE WATERS, 333 Broadway, N. Y. 303-3m AGENTS WANTED. CHANCES FOR MAKING MONEY! THE Publishers of a large list of highly entertaining, useful and popular Books, offer great inducements to 500 energetic and thorough-going business young men, to engage in the sale of these publications, in which any young man of good business habits may make FIVE TIMES the amount, over and above all expenses, of the average wages of Common School Teachers. The most LIBERAL DISCOUNTS are made to Agents from the list of prices. The Books command ready sales, wherever they are introduced. None need apply unless they wish to devote their whole attention to the business, and he cannot command a CASH CAPITAL of from $25 to $100, or give undoubted security for the amount of goods entrusted to them. For particulars in regard to terms, &c., will be furnished by calling on, or addressing, post paid, WANZER, BEARDSLEY & CO., 24 Buffalo St., Rochester. N. Y., Or, ALDEN, BEARDSLEY, & CO., Auburn, N. Y., Publishers. 332 HEALTH FOR THE STATES!!! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF LOSS OF HEALTH DISORDERED STOMACH, INDIGESTION AND DETERMINATION OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD. Copy of a Letter from Mr. John Lloyd, of Erwwen, near Harlech, Merionethshire. To Professor Holloway, SIR.–I avail, myself of the first opportunity of informing you, that for a very long period I was afflicted with a dangerous giddiness and frequent swimmings in the head, attended by loss of appetite, disordered stomach, and generally impaired health. Every means had failed to give me any permanent relief, and at length it became so alarming that I was really afraid of going about without an attendant. In this melancholy condition I waited personally upon Mr. Hughes, Chemist, Harlech, for the purpose of consulting him as to what I had better do; he kindly recommended your Pills, I tried them without delay, and after taking them for a short time I am happy to bear testimony to their wonderful efficacy. I am now restored to perfect health, and enabled to resume my usual duties.–You are at liberty to publish this letter in any way you may think proper. I am, Sir, your obedient Servant, (Signed) JOHN LLOYD. June 6th, 1852. MIRACULOUS CURE OF DROPSY. Extract of a Letter from Edward Rowley, Esq., India Walk, Tobago, dated April 8th, 1852. To Professor Holloway, DEAR SIR–I deem it a duty I owe to you and the public at large to inform you of a most miraculous recovery from that dreadful disease, DROPSY, and which, under God, was affected by your invaluable Pills. I was tapped five times within eight months, and skilfully treated by two medical practitioners, but could not get cured, until I had recourse to your remedy, and notwithstanding all I had undergone, this miraculous medicine cured me in the course six weeks. (Signed) EDWARD ROWLEY. INFALLIBLE CURE OF A STOMACH COMPLAINT WITH INDIGESTION AND VIOLENT HEAHACHES. Extract of a Letter from Mr. S. Gowen, Chemist, of Clifton, near Bristol, dated July 14th, 1852. To Professor Holloway, DEAR SIR--I am requested by a Lady named Thomas, just arrived from the West Indies, to acquaint you that for a period of eight years herself and family suffered from continual bad health, arising from disorders of the Liver and Stomach, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, violent Head-aches, pains in the wide, weakness and general debility, for which she consulted the most eminent men in the colony, but without any beneficial result; at last, she had recourse to your invaluable Pills, which in a very short time effected so great a change for the better, that she continue them, and the whole family were restored to health and strength. Further, she desires me to say, that she has witnessed their extraordinary virtues in those complaints incidental to children, particularly in cases of Measles and Scarlatina, having effected positive cures of these diseases with no other remedy. (Signed) S. GOWEN, These celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the following complaints. Ague, Asthma, Bilious Complaints, Blotches on the Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation of the Bowels, Debility, Dropsy, Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregularities, Fevers of all kinds, Fits, Gout, Head-ache, Indigestion, Inflamation, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrofula, or Kings Evil, Sore Throats, Stone & Gravel, Secondary Symptoms, Tie Douloureux. Tumours, Ulcers, Vernal Affections, Worms of all kinds. Weakness, from whatever cause, &c., Sold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway, 244 Strand, (near Temple Bar, London,) and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the British Empire, and of those of the United States, in Boxes at 37 1/2 c., 98 c., and $1.50 c. each. Wholesale by the principal Drug houses in the Union, and by Messrs. A. B. & D. Sands, New York; and also by William Pitkin & Son, Rochester, N. Y. [[symbol: index]] There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B.--Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are fixed to each Box. (298-1y.) WILLIAMS, PLUMB & CO., IMPORTERS and Wholesale Dealers in China, Glass, and Earthen-Ware, No. 71 Barclay Street, one door east of Greenwich street, and in the immediate vicinity of the NORTH RIVER STEAM-BOAT LANDINGS, and the HUDSON RIVER AND ERIE RAIL ROAD DEPOTS. Their assortment being complete in all the styles and qualities that comprise the stock of a Crockery House, they feel assured that they will be able to give the fullest satisfaction to all who may feel disposed to purchase their goods. N. B. One of the partners, (Mr. Williams,) is a COLORED MAN, and has been connected with the CROCKERY TRADE of New York for 20 years, and for several years has conducted the business on his own account. A leading object in establishing the present firm, both by the parties themselves and their friends and advisers, having been to contribute to the SOCIAL ELEVATION of the COLORED PEOPLE, they feel warranted in making an appeal for patronage, as they do now, to all that class of merchants throughout the country who sympathise with the object now expressed, and who would gladly avail themselves of so direct a method and so favorable an opportunity to subserve it. We hope to see all such in our establishment, and we express confidence that the favors bestowed upon us by our friends will be to the interest of themselves as well as us JAS. WILLIAMS, DAVID PLUMB, JAS. J. ACHESON, [[symbol: index]] This house sells at NETT CASH PRICES, but will take the notes of responsible parties by adding seven per cent. per annum. 301 A BOOK FOR THE MILLION! AUTOGRAPHS FOR FREEDOM, Edited by JULIA GRIFFITHS, Secretary of the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society. "In the long vista of the years to roll, Let me not see my country's honor fade; Oh! let me see our land retain its soul! Her pride in Freedom, and not Freedom's shade." IN one elegant large 12mo. volume, containing original contributions from over Fifty of the most popular and eminent writers, on the subject of American Government and the True Policy of the Nation, in respect to her Domestic Institutions, and the future success and glory of the Republic, embellished with twelve splendid Steel Plate Portraits, comprising the following distinguished characters, who are among the contributors to its pages:– Hon. Wm. H. Seward; Lewis Tappan; Hon. Gerrit Smith; Wm. H. Brown; Prof. C. L. Reason; Frederick Douglass; Rev. H. W. Beecher; Rev. A. L. Brown; Harriet Beecher Stowe Hon. J. R. Giddings; Hon. Horace Greeley; Rev. E. H. Chapin. From the array of talent brought into requisition, and incorporated in this work, the Publishers confidently look for an immense sale of the "Autosgraphs," and can, without fear of overrating its merits, commend it to the whole American public, as the most complete and triumphant attempt to lay before the world matter, intrinsically valuable, on a subject so engrossing the minds of the people, and so much sought and needed by the friends of humanity, and the opposers of different species of Oppression, and whatever garb it assumes, or name it bears; nor do they contemplate a demand for it for a day, and then throw it carelessly by, but that the impressions it shall make, will stamp it with an impress that shall light up in the hearts of it readers, a flame so lasting that it will only die away with the causes that enkindled the fire. The work will be got up on superior white paper, and printed on clear, large type, and substantially and elegantly bound–and as a whole, will equal in its mechanical execution, any previous issue from the Press of the country, and will be afforded at the extremely low price of $1 25 in plain muslin; 1 50 gilt edges; $2 full gilt sides and edges. Early orders are respectfully solicited, which will be filled with promptness. ***Copies will be sent by Mail, and postage prepaid, on receipt of price by the Publishers. WANZER, BEARDSLEY & CO., Rochester. N. Y., ALDEN, BEARDSLEY, & CO., Auburn, N. Y., Publishers. CURE BY NUTRITION! Discovered and successfully practiced by LA ROY SUNDERLAND, Boston, Mass. FACTS FOR INVALIDS––1. The most explicit testimonies ever borne against drugging have come from intelligence Physicians, who have declared that the present practice does more harm than good. 2. Quackery is the use of remedies, without knowledge of Nature's laws. 3. You are no better for the nostrums you have taken. 4. If curable at all you may be Healed by NUTRITION, without medicine! Why, then, should you dose more? Pamphlets of information, sent post-free, on receipt of one dime pre paid, Address "New Method of Cure, Boston, Mass." 323 6m. 3,000 AGENTS WANTED TO CANVASS FOR THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. THE CHARACTER of the Iron Duke, as a man and a warrior, is my faithfully and graphically delineated in the work, of which over 6,000 copies have been sold, exclusively to agents, within twenty days of its issue from the press. This book will command a rapid, extended and continued sale, and no one on our list is of more promise for our energetic canvassers. New canvassers will make early application to the publishers, WANZER, BEARDSLEY & CO., Rochester. N. Y. ^[[2014.63.10]]
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