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will add two very interesting objects to the exhibition collection. 

Mr. R. S. Matthews was assigned to work in this department on July 23, and he at once began to relabel the duplicate North American birds with correct name, and full data with each specimen. 322 specimens were thus relabeled during the last week of July.

The rearrangement of the Old World birds stored in the department, with a view to making available two or three quarter-unit cases, was begun and proceeded with at odd times, and each drawer was carefully labeled with the names of genera contained in it, thus making this part of the collection more readily accessible.  The bound volumes of the sectional library were rearranged, with a view to their availability in the systematic work on birds shortly to be undertaken.

Several days were employed upon the Sclater bibliography.

Very respectfully yours,

R. Ridgeway 
Curator, Department of Birds.

Transcription Notes:
Changed "were employed ypon" to "were employed upon". Rest looked good.