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[[underlined]] Minor routine work. [[/underlined]]

Official letters written, - 17
Official memoranda written, - 13
Paper for publication written, pages, - 2
Proof read, pages, - 19

[[underlined]] Paper submitted for publication

Colinus virginianus cubanenais [[/underlined]] not a Floria bird. (Cf. The Auk, October, 1894, p.___).

[[underlined]] Special work accomplished [[/underlined]].

The rearrangement of a large series of ornithological pamphlets was undertaken, and their availability for reference was thus greatly enhanced.

Mr. Matthews continued his work on the duplicate North American birds, and 520 of them were relabeled.

The work upon the old world study series, carried on at odd times by Mr. Richmond for the last two months, was suspended during September, owing to the large number of specimens received during the month (1359), which were all catalogued, and temporarily placed in glass-top cases in the bird gallery.