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[[underlined]]Paper submitted for publication.[[/underlined]]

"On [[underlined]]Heterotrogon[[/underline]], a new genus of Trogons, based on [[underlined]]Hapaloderma vittatum[[/underline]], Shelley, with description of the femaile of that species" Chas. W. Richmond.

For the proceedings U.S. National Museum pages. 9.

[[underlined]]Special Work accomplished[[/underline]]

Early in the month the birds selected for the Illinois Wesleyan University (180 specimens) and for the Iowa State Historical Society (272 specimens) were invoiced, packed, and made ready for shipment. Several small lots of specimens were sent in exchange, or for examination, to various correspondents. 

About thirty jars of alcoholic specimens were examined, and supplied with temporary labels.

Four large boxes of duplicates were unpacked, and their contents arrayed systematically in the cases in the fish corridor, this being a continuation of the work begun last month.

The labeling of type specimens with distinctive labels was continued. Many specimens collected on the International Boundary Survey, and provided with numbers only, were supplied with labels.