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The advent of the first installment of the Boucard collection illustrates the great and pressing need of additional quarter with cases in this department. Requisitions for cases were made several months ago, at which time it was though they would be completed in time to accommodate this collection. Here we have 749 specimens, containing very many species which are new to the collection, with absolutely no place to put them, except to pack them in glass top drawers or insecure boxes, in which they would be practically inaccessible, and subject to the ravages of insects. I would earnestly recommend that cases be provided for this collection at the earliest possible moment, as called for in my requisitions of April and November, 1894, and I may here add that the above requisitions would, if filled at once, [[underlined]] barely [[/underlined]] accommodate the first installment of this collection. In other words, upon the addition of another installment it will be necessary to have more cases for its accommodation.