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[[underlined]] Papers written for publication [[/underlined]]

On the status of Bischoff's Song Sparrow ([[underlined]]Melospiza insignis[[/underlined]] Baird). by Chas. W. Richmond. 15 pp. MS. For the 'Auk.'

[[underlined]] Special work accomplished. [[/underlined]]

The American Ornithologist's Union Committee on Nomenclature met in the Dept. of Birds from Feb. 12-16, and occupied the Curator's time during that period.

Owing to the large number of birds received in January, considerable time was occupied in distributing specimens, both in the bird gallery, and in the west basement. The Curator left Washington on the 23rd of the month, for a trip to the Kissimmee prairies in Florida, in the interests of the Museum.[1]

Very respectfully yours,
R. Ridgway
Curator, Dept. Birds
[1] A special report on this trip is contemplated.