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Specimens (7 species) from Mexico. (Acc. 29125;purchased). From [[double underlined]]F.M. Woodruff[[/double underlined]], Chicago, Ill.;[[check mark]] two specimens of Smith's Longspur ([[underlined]]Calcarius rictus[[/underlined]]) from Cook Co., Illinois. (Acc.29168;gift).[[check mark]] From [[double underlined]]B.J. Bretherton[[/double underlined]],Newport, Oregon, three specimens (3 species), from Oregon. (Acc.29296; exchange). [[check mark]] From [[double underlined]]International Boundary Commission[[/double underlined]];one hundred and seventy-two specimens from southern California, Lower California,and San Clemente Island, collected chiefly by Dr. E. A. Mearns, U.S.A.(Acc. 29197; collected for the Museum). [[check mark]]

[[wavy underlined]]Distribution of Specimens.[[/wavy underlined]]

To [[double underlined]]Wm Brewster[[/double underlined]], Cambridge, Mass.; five specimens of [[underlined]]Atlapetes pileatus[[/underlined]], from Mexico. (loan).

To [[double underlined]]Chas. K. Worthen[[/double underlined]], Warsaw, Ill.; two specimens (2 species). (Exchange).

[[wavy underlined]]Minor routine work[[/wavy underlined]].

Official letters written, pages, - 34
Official memoranda written, pages, - 20
Specimens identified for Correspondents - 107
Proof corrected, galleys - 10