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Terns ([[underlined]] Laridæ [[/underlined]], Skuas ([[underlined]] Stercorariidæ [[/underlined]], Skimmers ([[underlined]] Rhyncopidæ [[/underlined]], Albatrosses ([[underlined]] Diomedeidæ [[/underlined]]), and Petrels ([[underlined]] Procellariidæ [[/underlined]] - in all about 136 [[(?) written under 136]] of the 2900 species to be covered.

Mr. Richmond, the assistant curator, has been engaged at odd times in the determination of a large collection of birds from Kashmir, Ladak, Eastern Turkestan, and the Pamir, in central Asia, sent in by Dr. Abbott. This work, which is now nearly completed, has in large part been prosecuted after office hours. ||        

Transcription Notes:
Rhyncopidæ should be Rhynchopidæ ?