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[[blue pencil line]]

A contribution to the life history of [[underlined]] Porzana cinereiceps [[/underlined]] Lawrence, with critical notes on some of its allies. By Charles. W. Richmond. '[[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] Auk,[[strikethrough]]'[[/strikethrough]] XII, no. 1, Jan. 1895, pp. 19-32. An account of the habits of [[underlined]] Porzana cinereiceps [[/underlined]], with descriptions of the eggs, downy young, immature, and adult, followed by observations on the status of some allied species, and synonomy of [[underlined]] P. albigularis [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] P. cinereiceps [[/underlined]]. [[blue pencil]]

Notes on certain Flycatchers of the genus [[underlined]] Empidonax [[/underlined]], By William Brewster, 'The Auk,' no. 2, April, 1895, pp. 157-163. [[underlined]] Empidonax virescens [[/underlined]] (Vieillot) is shown to be the proper name for the bird long known as [[underlined]] E. acadius [[/underlined]] (Gmeliu), and two other species are affected in that the name [[underlined]] Empidonax traillii [[/underlined]] is restricted to the [[strikethrough]] species  [[/strikethrough]] ^[[one]] heretofore known as [[underlined]] E. pusillus (Tyrannula pusilla [[/underlined]] of Swainson being considered indeterminable), and [[underlined]] Empidonax [[strikethrough]] pusillus [[/strikethrough]] traillii alnorum [[/underlined]] is proposed as a new name for the eastern form, hitherto known as [[underlined]] E. pusillus traillii [[/underlined]]. [Based partly upon Museum material].

[[blue pencil line]]

The capture of [[underlined]] Basilinna leucotis [[/underlined]] in southern Arizona, By A. K. Fisher. [[strikethrough]] 'The [[/strikethrough]] Auk,[[strikethrough]]'[[/strikethrough]] XI, no. 4, October, 1894, pp. 325-326, Records the capture, by himself, of a specimen of this species in the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona, June 9, 1894. [Based partly upon Museum material].

[[blue pencil line]]

Occurrence of [[underlined]] Aphelocoma cyanotis [[/underlined]]  in Western Texas, By A.K. Fisher [[strikethrough]] 'The [[/strikethrough]] Auk,[[strikethrough]]'[[/strikethrough]] XI, no. 4, October, 1894, p. 327. Records three specimens in the Dept. of Agriculture collection, taken at Paisano, Texas, in July, 1890. This is the first [[strikethrough]] United States  [[/strikethrough]] record [[strikethrough]]for[[/strikethrough]] ^[[of the occurrence of]] the species ^[[in the United States. [Based partly upon Museum material].
