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* [[underline]] Harporhynchus cinereus mearnsi[[/underline]], A.W.Anthony, San Quintin, Lower California. The Auk, XII, no. 1, January, 1895, p.53.
* [[underline]] Fulmarus glacialis columba[[/underline]], A.W.Anthony, Off San Diego, California. The Auk, XII, no. 2, April, 1895, [[circled in pencil]] pp.105-106[[/circled in pencil]] ( Ahthor's edi [[strikethrough]]tion of this paper issued [[/strikethrough]]March 16, 1895.)] ^ [[pencil line drawn to circled pages]]
* [[underline]] Empidonax traillii alnorum[[/underline]], William Brewster, Upton, Maine. The Auk, XII, no. 2, April, 1895, p.161.
* [[underline]] Thryothorus leucophrys[[/underline]], A.W.Anthony, San Clemente Island, California. The Auk, XII, no. 1, January, 1895, p.52.
* [[underline]] Heleodytes brunneicapillus bryanti[[/underline]], A.W.Anthony, San Telmo, Lower California. The Auk, XI, no. 3, July, 1894, p.212.

[[three strokes in brown ink appear under the first letter in the words "mearnsi" and "bryanti"]]