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by the collector's notes on colors and measurements.  [[underlined]] Cyanecula abbotti, [[/underlined]] from Nubra Valley, Ladak, is described as new, and critical notes are given under several species.

Ridgway, Robert.  On Birds collected by Doctor W.L. Abbott in the Seychelles, Amirantes, Gloriosa, Assumption, Aldabra, and adjacent islands, with notes on habits, etc., by the collector.  [[strikethrough]] By Robert Ridgeway. [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., [[/underlined]] XVIII, no.1079, June 24, ^[[OK]] 1896, pp.509-546.
Lists of the birds of the following islands are given, accompanied in many cases [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] with notes by the collector:  I. Seychelles;  II. Amirante group;  III. Flat Island;  V. Coëtivy;  VI. Providence Island;  VII. Assumption Island;  VIII. Gloriosa Island;  IX. Aldabra Island.  The name [[underlined]] Turtur abbotti [[/underlined]] is proposed for a Turtle dove inhabiting Mahé, Seychelles, thought to be different from [[underlined]] T. picturatus, [[/underlined]] and descriptions of thirteen recently new species and subspecies are added.  Several other species rare of interesting are described and remarked upon.  An appendix contains a bibliography and a tabulated list of 212 species occurring in the various islands near Madagascar [[strikethrough]] is given [[/strikethrough]], and their status, whether native, introduced, or extinct, and the islands inhabited by them [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] is indicated.

[[strikethrough]] By [[/strikethrough]] Miller, Gerrit S. Jr.  Description of a new Jay from Mexico.  [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XIII, no.1, Jan., 1896, pp.34-37.
[[underlined]] Aphelocoma gracilis, [[/underlined]] from Jalisco, Mexico, is described, and illustrated with a text figure.  [[strikethrough]] (Based partly upon Museum material.) [[/strikethrough]]

Brewster, William.  Descriptions of a new Warbler and a new Song Sparrow, [[strikethrough]] By William Brewster. [[/strikethrough]]  [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XIII, no.1, Jan., 1896, pp.44-47.
[[underlined]] Compsothlypis americana usnea, [[/underlined]] from Maine, and [[underlined]] Melospiza fasciata merrilli, [[/underlined]] from Ft. Sherman, Idaho, are described as new subspecies.  [[strikethrough]] (Based partly upon Museum material.) [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] 
F. M. Comstock  The Parasitic Jaeger near Cleveland, Ohio.  [[strikethrough]] By F. M. Comstock. [[/strikethrough]]  [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XIII, No.2, April, 1896, pp.171.
Two specimens of the species (one of which was sent to the Smithsonian Institution) are recorded from the vicinity of Cleveland, Ohio.  [[strikethrough]] (Based partly upon Museum material.) [[/strikethrough]]

U. A. Sprague  The Dwarf Thursh in Colorado.  [[strikethrough]] By U. A. Sprague. [[/strikethrough]]  [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XIII, no.1, Jan., 1896, pp.85.
This species is recorded from Colorado, based on a specimen shot near Boulder.  [[strikethrough]] (Based partly upon Museum material.) [[/strikethrough]]