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Chapman, Frank M. The changes of plumage in the Dunlin and Sanderling. [[strikethrough]] By Frank M. Chapman. [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. [[/underlined]] VIII, Art. I, March 1896, pp. 1-8. 

Attention is directed to Gätke's claim that changes of color occur in these species without molt, which is denied by the author of the present paper. [[strikethrough]] (Based partly upon Museum material.) [[/strikethrough]]

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Charles W. Richmond. Descriptions of three new birds from the Island of Margarita, Venezuela, [[strikethrough]] By [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XII, no. 4, Oct. 1895, pp. 367-371. 

[[underlined]] Amazilia aliciate, Doleromya pallida, and Cardinalis [[capitalize marks under r]] r [[/capitalize marks]]obinsoni, [[/underlined]] are described as new.

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F. Stephens. Descriptions of two new subspecies of California Birds. [[strikethrough]] By [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XII, no.4, Oct. 1895, pp.371-372.

[[underlined]] Callipepla gambeli deserticola [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Speotyta cunicularia obscura [[/underlined]] are described as new. [[strikethrough]] (Based partly upon Museum material.) [[/strikethrough]]

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Robert Ridgway. On the correct subspecific names of the Texan and Mexican Screech Owls. [[strikethrough]] By [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XII, no.4, Oct. 1895, pp.389-390.

[[underlined]] Scops mccallii [[/underlined]] of Cassin is found to be a synonym of [[underlined]] S. trichopsis, [[/underlined]] Wagler; the bird usually designated as [[underlined]] Megascops asio trichopsis [[/underlined]] thus not being entitled to that name, is supplied with a new one, viz.: [[underlined]] Megascops asio cineraceus. [[/underlined]]

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Robert Ridgway. Junco phaeonotus, Wagler, not [[underlined]] J. cinereus [[/underlined]] (Swainson). [[strikethrough]] By [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XII, no.4, Oct. 1895, pp.391.

The [[underlined]] Fringilla cinerea [[/underlined]] of Swainson being preoccupied, it is here found necessary to use the name [[underlined]] Junco phaeonotus, [[/underlined]] Wagler, in its stead, for the Mexican Junco and its subspecies.

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D. G. Elliot.  Descriptions of an apparently new species and subspecies of Ptarmigan from the Aleutian Islands. [[strikethrough]] By [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XIII, no.1, Jan. 1896, pp.24-29; pl.III.

[[underlined]] Lagopus ^[[capitalization marks under the e]] evermanni, [[/underlined]] from Attu Island, and [[underlined]] L. rupestris townsendi, [[/underlined]] from Kyska and Adak Islands, are described.

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A. W. Anthony. A new subspecies of the genus [[underlined]] Dryobates. [[/underlined]]  [[strikethrough]] By [[/strikethrough]]  [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XIII, no.1, Jan. 1896, pp.31-34.

[[underlined]] Dryobates villosus montanus [[/underlined]] is described. [[strikethrough]] (Based partly upon Museum material.) [[/strikethrough]]

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