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Edgar A. Mearns. Description of a new Heron [[underlined]] (Ardea virescens anthonyi) [[/underlined]] from the arid region of the interior of North America. [[strikethrough]] By M.D.[[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XII, no.3, July, 1895, pp.257-259.
[[underlined]] Ardea virescens anthonyi [[/underlined]] is described.

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Cory, Charles B. Description of two new species of birds from San Domingo. [[strikethrough]] By Charles B. Cory. [[/strikethrough]]  [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XII, no.3, July, 1895, pp.278-279.
[[underlined]] Hyetornis fieldi [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Élainia cherriei [[/underlined]] are described as new.  [[strikethrough]] (Based partly upon Museum material.) [[/strikethrough]]

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Richmond, Charles W. [[underlined]] Helminthophila leucobronchialis [[/underlined]] in Maryland. [[strikethrough]] By Charles W. Richmond. [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XII, no.3, July, 1895, pp.307.
This warbler is recorded from Beltville, Md., from a specimen in the National Museum, collected by Mr. A.H. Thayer. 

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Robert Ridgway. On Fisher's Petrel [[underlined]] (AEstrelata fisheri). [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] By [[/strikethrough]]  [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XII, no.4, Oct., 1895, pp.319-322; pl.IV.
Description and synonomy of this species is given, accompanied by a colored plate. 

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A. W. Anthony.  New races of [[underlined]] Colaptes [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Passerella [[/underlined]] from the Pacific coast. [[strikethrough]] By [[/strikethrough]]  [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XII, no.4, Oct., 1895, pp.347-349.
[[underlined]] Colaptes chrysoides brunnescens, [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Passerella iliaca Stephensi [[/underlined]] are described.  [[strikethrough]] (Based partly upon Museum material.) [[/strikethrough]]

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^[[Cox, Ulysses O.]] A collection of birds from Mount Orizaba, Mexico. [[strikethrough]] By Ulysses O. Cox, [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Auk, [[/underlined]] XII, no.3, July, 1895, pp.356-359.

A list of 28 species, with brief notes, and a description of the recently new [[underlined]] Pipilo orizabae [[/underlined]] Cox.  [[strikethrough]] (Based partly upon Museum material.) [[/strikethrough]]

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Check-List of North American Birds, prepared by a committee of the American Ornithologists' Union.  Second and revised edition, New York, 1895.
[[symbol: paragraph]] 800. pp.i-xi, 1-372.

This new and revised list of North American birds contains 1071 species and subspecies of recent birds, with a concise statement of their geographical distribution; 64 fossil species, arranged under the geological periods in which they belong; and 26 hypothetical species, with a short note regarding their present status.  [[strikethrough]] (Based partly upon Museum material.) [[/strikethrough]]

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