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8. Give the names of any persons who have prosecuted  investigations in your department during the year, and state the special aim of their studies.

Mr. [[underlined]] Chas. H. Townsend [[/underlined]], U.S. Fish Commission: studied the series of Bald Eagles, to determine the status of the Alaskan birds.

Mr. [[underlined]] Chas. B. Cory [[/underlined]], Hyannis, Mass.: examined some West Indian Pigeons.

Mr. [[underlined]] E.W. Nelson [[/underlined]], U.S. Dept. Agriculture; made extensive studies of Mexican birds, to identify the large amount of material collected  by him in Mexico and Guatemala. 

Dr. [[underlined]] A.K. Fisher, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; examined numerous type of specimens in examination with his official work.

Miss [[underlined]] Florence Merriam [[/underlined]], Washington, D.C.; examined various North American birds.

Mr. [[underlined]] H.C. Oberholser [[/underlined]], U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; studied various owls, marsh wrens, flycatchers, yellow warblers, etc., to ascertain the status of certain forms.

Mr. [[underlined]] Wm Palmer [[/underlined]], U.S. National Museum; studied birds from the Pribylof Islands, various petrels and kinglets, to ascertain the status of some of the forms.

Mr. [[underlined]] W.H. Osgood [[/underlined]], U.S. Dept. Agriculture; examined numerous species from the eastern United States, to familiarize himself with them.

Transcription Notes:
Added missing information for E.W. Nelson and A.K. Fisher In original persons' names are double underlined