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[[underlined]] Empidonax bairdi occidentalis, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Pluma, Oaxaca, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV, no.1, Jan. 1897, 53.

[[underlined]] Picolaptes compressua insignis, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Otatillan, Vera Cruz, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV, no. 1, Jan. 1897, 54.

[[underlined]] Automolus pectoralis, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Pluma, Oaxaca, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV. no. 1, Jan. 1897, 54.

[[underlined]] Otocoris alpestria oaxacāē, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), San Mates del Mar, Oaxaca, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV. no.1, Jan. 1897, 54.

[[underlined]] Calocitta formosa azurea, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Huehuetau, Chiapos, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV. no. 1, Jan. 1897, 55.

[[underlined]] Cissolipha pulchra, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV. no. 1, Jan. 1897, 56.

[[underlined]] Agelaius phoēniceus grandis, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Atlixco, Puebla, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV. no. 1, Jan. 1897. 57.

[[underlined]] Agelaius phoēniceus richmondi, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Tlacotalpan , Vera Cruz, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV. no. 1, Jan. 1897, 58.

[[underlined]] Agelaius gubernator californicus, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Stockton, California.  The Auk, XIV. no. 1, Jan. 1897, 59.

[[underlined]] Ammodramus savamarum obscurus, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Minatillan, Vera Cruz, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV. no. 1, Jan. 1897, 61.

[[underlined]] Junco fulvesceres, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), San Christobal, Chiapas, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV. no. 1, Jan. 1897, 62.

underlined]] Peucāēa ruficeps Jusca, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Etzattan, Jalisco, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV, no. 1, Jan. 1897, 63.

[[underlined]] Cardivalis cardinalis littoralia, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Coatzacoalcos, Vera Cruz, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV, no. 1, Jan. 1897, 64.

[[underlined]] Chlorospingus atriceps, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Pinabete, Chiapas, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV, no. 1, Jan. 1897, 65.

[[underlined]] Phōēnicothraupia rubicoides affinis, [[underlined]] E.W. Nelson, Piniotepa, Oaxaca, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV, no. 1, Jan. 1897, 66.

[[underlined]] Dendroica goldmani, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Hacienda Chancol, Guatemala.  The Auk, XIV, no. 1, Jan. 1897, 66.

[[underlined]] Basilenterus flavigoster, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Yajalon, Chiapas, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV, no. 1, Jan. 1897, 67.

[[underlined]] Heleodytes alticolus, [[/underlined]] E.W. Nelson (Ares), Huitzilac, Morelos, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV, no. 1, Jan. 1897, 68.

[[underlined]] Heleodytes occidentalis, [[underlined]] E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Sierra Nevada de Colima, Jalisco, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV, no. 1, Jan. 1897, 69.

Heleodytes humilis rufus, E.W. Nelson, (Ares), Aguahuizotla, Guerrero, Mexico.  The Auk, XIV, no. 1, Jan. 1897, 69.