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No. of [[boxed]] bird's eggs[[/boxed]] received during year: 838.  
" " " [[dittos for: No. of bird's]] nests " " " [[dittos for: received during year:]] 102.
[[tally line]]

[[stamp]] Aug 30, 1897 [[/stamp]]

The Most important accessions were:

From [[double underlined]] Dr. W.L. Ralph, [[/double underlined]] Utica, New York: 610 eggs and 51 nests from N.A. including many rarities, such as White-throated Swift, (new to science) Western Evening Grosbeak, [[inserted]](new to science) [[/inserted]] [[strikethrough]] Pygmy [[/strikethrough]] Buff-breasted Flycatcher, Grace's and Hermit Warblers, series of eggs of Everglade Kite, etc. etc. (no acc. made. Gift).

From Mr. [[double underlined]] Otto Urdmann, [[/double underlined]] Old Orchard, MO,; nest and three eggs of Bachman's Warbler.  New to the collection and to Science.  (acc. 32139.  Gift).

From [[double underlined]] Dr. W.L. Abbott, [[/double underlined]] from Lower Siam; 48 eggs and several nests from Lower Siam.  (acc. 31341-gift).

From [[double underlined]] Dr. J.C. Merrill, [[/double underlined]] Surgeon General's Office, Wash. D.C.; 49 eggs from Fort Sherman, Idaho. (acc. 31080. gift).

From [[double underlined]] H.P. Attwater, [[/double underlined]] San Antonio, Texas: 43 eggs from Texas.  (acc. 31077. gift).

From A.W. Anthony, San Diego, Calif.; 9 eggs of rare Petrels.  (acc. 31282.  Purch.).

From A.W. Anthony, San Diego, Calif.; 3 eggs of rare Petrels.  (acc. 31260.  gift.).