Viewing page 9 of 52

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]]Top of ridge[[/underlined]]    2800 feet

[[bullet]] Arctostophylos manzanita  25000-2800

[[bullet]] " " [[ditto for  Arctostophylos manzanita]]   " [[ditto for 25000]] - " [[ditto for 2800]] 

[[bullet]] " " [[ditto for  Arctostophylos manzanita]]   " [[ditto for 25000]] - " [[ditto for 2800]] 

[[bullet]] Ceanothus psoradiatus    -2800
[[bullet]] X. lothermia montana   2500-2800 [[strikethrough]] NE [[/strikethrough]]
[[striktehrough]] Pickeringia ? [[/strikethrough]]
[[bullet]] Adenostoma
[[bullet]] Pinus [[?]] 
[[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]]
NE. " [[ditto for 2500]] - NE. " [[ditto for 2800]]
[[bullet]] Quercus wislizeni, shrubby, -2800
[[bullet]] Garrya " [[ditto for -2800]]
[[bullet]] Lupinus longifolius, big   SW 2000-2800
[[bullet]] [[Hasadeia?]] glabra   SW -2800

[[underlined]] NE. slope [[/underlined]]

[[bullet]] Quercus derisiflora  NE 2000-2800
[[bullet]] " [[ditto for Quercus]] chrysolipis NE " ditto for 2000]] - " [[ditto for 2800]]
[[bullet]] Arbutus menziesii    NE " [[ditto for 2000]] - 2500
[[bullet]] Arctomecon rigidum  2500-2800
[[bullet]] Ribes sanguineum     " [[ditto for 2500]] - " [[ditto for 2800]]
[[bullet]] Pinus attenuata [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ariguiata   NE. 2000-[[28500?]]
[[bullet]] " [[ditto for Pinus]] coulteri  + bottom of canyon  2000-2700

[[underlined]] below [[/underlined]]

[[Erriogonus?]]                    -2200
[[bullet]] Eremocarpos sitigerus   -2300
[[strikethrough]] Croton sitigerus [[/underlined]]
Bur clover                         -2200
[[bullet]] Phoradendron (on A. agrifolia)  -2300
[[bullet]] Ribes  big thorny       -1000
[[bullet]] Holodiscus              -" [[ditto for 1000]]
[[bullet]] Baccharis consanguineus  -1300

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] San Luis Obispo & vic. [[/underlined]]
Sept. 23-

Callipepla           com
Cathartes            a few
Buteo borealis       several
Archibuteo           1
[[Acerpeter?]] velox 1
Falco sparverius     com
Dryobates            2
Sayornis nigricans   com
Troeleilus           2
Aphelocoma           com
Euphagus             " [[ditto for com]]
Sturnella            " [[ditto for com]]
Pipilo oregonus      " [[ditto for com]]
" [[ditto for Pipilo]] p. crissalis " [[ditto for com]]
Carpodacus           " [[ditto for com]]
Astragalunus         " [[ditto for com]]
Chanuea              " [[ditto for com]]
Sialia bairdi, blue back   3
Geococcyx    tracks
Colaptes             2
Thryomanes           1
Condor               1
Sayornis saya        1
Lanius               2
Chordestes           com.