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sunshine and then only a few rays of it bet. 4 & 5:30, through the distant haze over the horizon & the broken clouds above.  I'm sitting up here at a cocktail table in an empty balcony above the empty "Moulin Rouge", and under the bridge deck above quite close to the bow but in this largely lowering weather nothing to see except two deck hands in oil skins out in the rain, with hose and an electric circular-brush scrubber going over the wet deck across which the wind was very efficiently driving the rain.

Regular W.P.A. make work job to keep deck hands occupied rain or shine.

There was tea & thin cakes t 4 p.m. & a plate of ice cream if you kept asking for it.  Linda & her dad played a session of ping pong at one of three tables, Jan took a hand too 

Its a game we should have for Bobby, Chris & Eric, good exercise, muscle & eye training coordination and fun. The three tables available were going full time.

The ship!  The amount of endless walking from one end to other, and the up and down stairs; [[strikethrough]] We [[/strikethrough]] I'm up here 2 levels above main deck, and we live 4 decks (D. deck) below.  We shall certainly be in trim for whatever the "Freelance" cruise has in store for us.  I've written this & gotten off two office (Coolidge & Frank Weaver) letters, the note home, writing room steward grabbed off me at 11:30 last chance he said to mail anything. 

Transcription Notes:
I don't think there's a need to put in blank page etc. The // is an editing way of denoting a new paragraph.