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Mar. 23/56

[This is for 24th.  Bredin got of at 3.45 (from ship) to shore where taxi was waiting to take him to airport 19 miles away I was told.]

Mar. 23.
At 8:15 went to Amer. Consul with Nicholson.  Very pleasant young man who had endeavoured to establish contact with local people interested in zoology and natural history;  the most important of these a Father Pinchon, had been called to Paris a few days before so that party was out.  However he offered to take us on a drive to St. Pierre an inland drive to come along sea coast on way back.  Set time for 9:30 so I scurried back to ship, tell the rest, caught Bredin shopping for trinkets for his kids and rest on board.  Went to P.O. mailed notes after going to bank for some local exchange.  It was a warm day.  Consul had an official station wagon that held us all quite comfortably but the roads.  Rd. in was good & well paved but a bit narrow, - steep as all get out in many places and winding with sharp turns that were right angle turns and usually less.  Driver a stout colored man literally threw the car around the turns by sheer strength, or so it seemed.  Fenner later said he had a bad time of it;  the chances