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The Martello Tower at end of hike (objective of hike) was a mere circular shell, maybe 40 feet high & maybe 10 in diameter across truncated top.  Whatever floors there were had disappeared.  Against outside from terrace was crude ladder top where was a pole a lantern might be hung to guide the once or twice a week (or occassional) boat from outer world.  To S. side anchorage from beach a tractor trail lead to villa at mid central id.  Our hike took us along this trail for at least 1 1/2 to nearly 2 miles;  it runs the length of id. & another time arrangements should be made in advance so that one could get to reefs at N. end of id. which on chart look like one of best coll. [[strikethrough]] ground [[/strikethrough]] around this id.  Could have perhaps made it if we had had 4 or 5 days here.

One item of interest.  We were told there were no whites on the id and imagine our surprise to encounter, an slight built Englishman shepherding a burro along the path bordering the beach.  But for his directing