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rise from waters edge.  Almost as many stores & shops & cold soft drink places along the road as there are houses in the town.  Most of the [[?]]000 population, almost wholly colored were scattered over this quite green and prosperous looking id.  We walked as far as graveyard on far side of town.  A little girl asked us for dimes for her church.  We each contributed one.  Got 9 boxes here.  Only wooden ones available were liquor boxes (or cases).  All other goods and many liquors now came in cartons.  Houses here for most part are quite substantial.  Was surprised to see so many of reinforced concrete, and a number still abuilding.  No beggars here either.  Dominica by contrast was poorest appearing of all towns (Roseau) dilapidated unpainted shacks.  Here (Tortola) most houses had some sort of garden and others a variety of flowers.  This is a great place for white (American) escapists who though limited in number constitute the white population.

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While we were preserving our catch Capt. contacted some local fishermen for demonstration of their method of catching or trapping lobsters with faggots, as it was described to us.  We towed ships dinghy ashore and lifted and shoved it over sand [[strikethrough]] spit [[/strikethrough]] dune (bar) to lagoon where with out-board motor it took part of our party aboard.  I went in native sloope with much patched sail, pieced out ropes and local wood for mast & crude oars to faggot piles in lagoon where water was chest high (to arm pits).  The natives pile up small (crooked) tree trunks (all trees here are twisted (& tortured) looking, and brush and make large piles, perhaps eight feet in dia. at bottom & 3 feet more or less at top.  5-5 1/2 feet high along eastern (village) shore of lagoon.  These brush (faggot) piles are left on both for several weeks usually 3-4 so that young lobsters seeking shelter will make brush pile their home and refuge.  Lagoon must be a rather tremendous nursery for young lobsters.  For in the faggot pile used to demonstrate (was 3 weeks down), fishermen got