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We sailed most of time, and [[strikethrough]] arr [[/strikethrough]] all nite too, getting into anchorage at Virgin Gorda at 4:00 p.m. Friday April 14th (showering).  We ran all day the 14th and all night of 13th getting to Virgin Gorda

[strikethrough]][[line]] Elect light Saba Bank at 8.30 & again at 9.30 pm, second time when we got a small squid & three small flying fish 

April 13/56 
Early in day yesterday made some dredge hauls on Saba Bank

April 15 Sunday 
It was cool, so chilly after the warm weather we'd been enjoying that we broke out undershirts and long pants. yes, sky was heavily overcast and showery.  Next morning we worked the great reef found here to the west of our anchorage staying till lunch time, and then after lunch after bedding down our take of crustaceans and other invertebrates, we went out again to a smaller reef east of the anchorage but got nothing different.  Clarke and Al Smith as usual took to the hills and also made most satisfactory hauls.

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[[underlined]] Apr. 9/56 [[/underlined]] Monday English Harbor, Antigua. 

This a.m. Al and two of men undertook to climb highest "peak" of Antigua, "Sugarloaf", Capt took them as near as he could in his car & they climbed rest of way.   Then he went shopping in town 19 miles away (St.John) and took Clark, myself and mail along.  I went to get formalin, vials, lime, toothpaste, lampwick, and had hoped to see Dr. again but there was no time because we had to go airport to meet Ernest May.  So happened that they told us it would be 3/4 hr. late, but it was not quite that much delayed and [[strikethrough]]  we arrived [[/strikethrough]] we got there plane on ground just as last car was leaving & on it was way we hailed it & had talk.  He had to see some friends in town and did not go back with us to lunch on bd.  Said he would be down about 5:30 p.m.  So we went back to 1 oclock lunch on bd. Freelance Fenner stayed aboard to get alcohol changed & get stuff packed up for tomorrows sailing.  

Among some afternoon visitors from Mill Reef (Beach) Club, of which Mr. May is a member were a Mr. & Mrs Smith (on vacation here from Calif. with his sister who spends 7 month a year at Club.  Smith  has retired from Telephone Co. in Calif, is an