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Charleston Nevis - April 12 ([[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]]) April [[underline]]12[[/underline]] 

surf was too high on shore to collect yesterday afternoon and again much too high this a.m. So Capt. suggested we move over to a likely place on St. Kitts (St. Christopher)- Frigate Cove, across a narrow neck of land over which we walked to get to a promising looking (on the chart) reef. It did prove worth the walk from the beach on which we landed. This was after lunch on return we had to pass a large salt pond with thick crust of salt on it. On way back from collecting a large crowd of people had assembled to harvest the salt in baskets, tins & what not. Salt overlay a thick black mud through which people had to wade hip deep almost halfway up thighs) as edge of salt being gathered receeded across "lake" They got [[strikethrough]]a[/strikethrough]] tremendous piles of it to be carted away on wagon hauled by trucker, carts, and in boxes, cans & baskets on heads. A lot was spilled and these (rather large) crystals still other people gathered. Looks like people got so much a can for salt taken away in autos to wagon and carts. Others worked for themselves no doubt. Tried to take a picture or two of this "activity". -- Reef was almost wholly live [[??] & the devil to get through, cross, or collect pot back to ship for [[?]]

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stood offshore and drifted around while we were being landed and spent an hour & a half on shore. Clarke made a steep climb to the heights, better than 500 feet up while I gathered samples of different stones, volcanic & otherwise in vicinity of old pier, long washed out, and then hunted around among such boulders and stones that I was able to shift about/ -got a few porcellanicks amphipods (no shrimps) a grasus, & couple of tiny isopods, and a few sea anemones, & a few spiny sea urchins, got 2 tiny [[cling?]] fishes, and host of little shells, in few of which I saw tiny hermits. Also saved samples of algae.

Our stay ashore delayed our arrival in Nevis till well after dark ^[[around 9 pm]] and in the darkness Miguel one of our crew got the end of his little finger crushed by anchor against side of ship. Soon as we got in Capt rushed him ashore for medical attention - was lucky, a new hospital had just been built here in last 9 months and was open for business; the gave him antibiotic injection & patched him up with orders to come back next morning, for check up.