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Sta. 63-56. March 28. West Cabrit, Prince Rupert Bay. Clarke. 
Sta. 64-56. March 28; 8:45-9:30 P.M. Prince Rupert Bay. Light over side at anchorage in seven meters. D.V. Nicholson.
Sta. 65-56. March 29; 6:40 A.M. Prince Rupert Bay. 
Bottom sample from seven meters. Schmitt.
Sta. 66-56. March 29; 3:30 P.M. Off Pointe de La Verdure, southeast of Pointe-a-Pitre. Dredged in 18 meters.
Sta. 67-56. March 29; 7:00-9:0 P.M. Pointe-a-pitre. Light over side at anchorage in five and one half meters. D.V. Nicholson.
Sta. 68-56. March 30-31; 9:30 A.M.-1:00 P.M. Pointe-a-pitre. Sandy mud flats between Ilet a Monroux and Ilet Rat. Chace & Nicholson,
69056. March 30-31; 9:30 A.M.-1:00 P.M. Ilet Rat, off Pointe-a-Pitre. From exposed reef and submerged weedy rocks. Schmitt. 
Sta. 70-56. March 31; 12:30-2:00 P.M. Pointe-a-Pitre. Dead coral flag east of Ilet a Cochons. Chace, Nicholson, and crew. Antigus Islad (see also Sta. 93-56 to 95-56)
Sta. 71-56. April 1; 12:00 M. "South Bank," 28 Kilometers. southeast of English Harbour. Caranx lugubris taken a hook and line in 73 meters.