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[[preprinted March 1956 Calendar]]
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

^[[March 12]]

1 ^[[Lv. Wash.]]
2 ^[[Lv. N.Y. 12 noon]]
6 ^[[In Barbados 48 Pence Museum Taxi]]
7 ^[[Land Trinidad Porters 3 00]]
8 ^[[to dock from [[hotel?]] 75 about turn to Freelance 5:00 $1.75 [[Unital?]] ]]
9 ^[[Maracus Bay Shrimp bought]]
10 ^[[Truck 5.25 Alcoholman 3 00 phone calls]]
11 ^[[R[[?]] 1.25]]
12 ^[[Simla with Bredin Lv Trinidad at 5:30 p.m.]]
13 ^[[Arr. Grenada & at 12 noon Visit to [[?[[ bought wire & spade]]
14 ^[[a. m. Coll. Pt. Saline (Salt pans) Smith to Grand 13 Aug St. Martins Bay p.m. rainy day]]
15 ^[[Lv. Grenada 9:am. Dr. Slominsky Arr. Tyrnell Ba Curriacou, 12.30 p.m.]]
16 ^[[Both anchors down Coll. reef & wreck Lv. 1:00 p.m. Arr. Chatham Bay, Union ID 3 p.m. Very squally stormy at night]]
17 ^[[9 a.m. Lv. Chatham Bay Union Id. 9. a.m. Arr Tubago Cays 11:00 a.m. Fair & windy [[encircled]] 1 [[/encircled]] ]]
18 ^[[7:30 A.M. L. Tubago Cays Fair Wind Arr. Mustique 12: noon Clear & hot Mr. Maingot]]
19 ^[[Coll. Walker Bay [[encircled]] * [[/encircled]] seine Lv diving Mustique 1:00 p.m All this = 19th.]]
20 ^[[Arr. Bequia 3:30 p.m. 6. p.m. Ly Bequia First sailing without engines of trip 20th 6:30 a.m. dropped anchor at Soufriere; 11:30 a.m. left Castries after shower 2:15 arre Castries]] 
21 ^[[Lv. Castries 10:a.m. Sunny after heavy shower. 11 a.m. arr. Marigot Bay : Lv 2:30 4:30 p.m. arr. Pigeon Id.]]
22 ^[[Lv. Pigeon Id. 11:15 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Arr. Ft. de France]]
24 [[encircled]] 2 [[/encircled]]
25 ^[[6:15 a.m. Lv. F. de F. 3:p.m. arr Rosgeun 4 p.m. anchor in Woodbridge Bay]]
28 ^[[Lv 8:05 Woodville Bay 9:15 Anchor at La Yas R 12:30 dredge haul Pr. Rupert Bay 20 6:30 a.m. 1:15 anchored]]
29 ^[[a.m. 8:05 Lv. Prince Rupert Bay]]
30 ^[[29th arr. P à Pitre Guadaloupe 4:15 p.m. Coll. Rut. Id in am till 2 pm]]
31 Lv. Pointe à Pitre 6:10 pm 10 pm thirty first
[[encircled]] 3 [[/encircled]]
[DO NOT TEAR OFF Fold Leaf Back for Next Month]
^[[ [[encircled]] * [[/encircled]] Tried electric light off St. Vincent 9. p. m. no result. 
[[/preprinted March 1956 Calendar]]]