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Age: 20

[[?Tenes bilo-bilo ^[[(blue)]] ^[[?buy]] camby ^[[clothes]] raso-raso ^[[blanket, hos]], [[?rawand]] ^[[ (to follow to [[ditto for mindoro)]]]] ni mindoro ba si ^[[pabang]] [[?saning-ming]] ^[[(different colors lover)]] bilo-bilo ^[[blue]] ^[[?luhat]] ^[[(place)]] ba dulo-dulo ^[[nonsense]] ba  [[?rami] ^[[(we)]] arong ^[[girl)]] magbalato ^[[(making cakes, food)]] mapuon ^[[(under the cassava tree)]] panggi kayo ^[[ba]] Aroi Ra si!!!  Nining-nining ^[[lover]] bai naka tagiba ko ^[[(you have been sitting in my lap)]] [[?taintan ?maduro ?nu]] ^[[(hold nipple your))]] [[?bei]] tapullo ko gallang neu^[[(I have got your bracelet)]]
Pag lover-louerlan ^[[(lover)]] maggalo ^[[(nonsense)]].  Amipil ko ^[[think I]]
Maglindo ^[[(sorry)]] Aroi ^[[(!!!)]] si nining-nining ^[[(loveer)]] [[?magpaglover]] ^[[(lover)]] ko ^[[(I, my)]]

Transcription Notes:
mandc: All pretty rough guesses. The handwriting and interline translation to English difficult to follow.