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Tenes  kabang-kabang  aroi    ni [[strikethrough]] ballang-ballang [[/strikethrough]] Bilatan  maglawan julongan si

many colors  (exp. of pleasant surprise)  "  looking for a

kulongan  matayang  si pusod-pusod   bai  baran  makatimla  maylagam

lover    nice body   formerly your body   I have a little voice
                      was big

napas  bai   garan   pamikilan  dugalan  amikilan baimagtunong  atai  ko

Breathing is [strikethrough] like [strikethrough] as a rifle I am thinking that I am angry I am thinking of my
                              loud             lover

biabimbang maglawan si tayang baran si kayag baran.

I cannot forget this place  I am looking for a small body, a think  body (a girl)

Many colors


Bilatan-[strikethrough]]Bilatan [strikethrough]

I am looking for a lover

A pleasant body

Formerly your body was big

I have a little voice

The breathing is as loud as a rifle 

I am thinking that I am angry

I am thinking of my lover

I cannot forget this place

I am looking for a small body, a thin body.

Sung by: Landisani

Transcription Notes:
strikethrough on the "K' in think