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Singer: Basilhani

Tenes of many straight-line colors ending in geometrical designs.
As I left my home place I was talking with a young lady.
We have been in love as we were very small[[strikethru]],[[/strikethru]] when you were a girl, but now you are a lady.
My mother opened up our mattress, and the young lady lay on it. I went next to her and lay my leg over hers.
I told my mother: you had better go get the imam, and get ashes in the coconut shell so that our marriage can be solemnized.
My sister was caught by my uncle at the farm where she had stolen some papaya.
My sister is wearing on a sarong and she plays the gabhang here at S-S.
My sister and I were asked to go to Manila to play the gabbang.
My sister is the only duagter of my parents.
Before we leave we have to pass the house of my uncle.
This will be my last time to sing, because I am tired.
I will even go with my lover to the spirit world after we die.
I feel sorry for my sister because she has to always play the gabbang.
Even though my lover and I are not here, you should remember us, my sister.
I am wearing my T-shirt.
While my lover is in the house of my lover, I will bring much food.
I still receive food from my lover even though I no longer [[strikethru]]wit[[/strikethru]] live with her.
If I am married there will be no elder son in my family, so my sister will have to act as an older son.
There is a maiden that I am going to marry.
I feel sorry for my lover because she has done so much work for me.
My lover is almost crazy in her love for me, so she quit school.
Because I did not go to school often, I had to stay in grade five several years.
The home place of my lover is so far away that I cannot sail there.