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Singer: Masarani
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Tape: 2-221
Village: TK
Date: Oct. 29, 1965

Why, shark, have you not come to eat my bait?
if you are a [[underlined]] kalitan mangalih [[\underlined]], [[superscript]] 1 [[/superscript]] do not take my bait.
Why do you not come to taste my bait?
The brightly colored red and white line of my hook is newly bought from the store.
Why [[underlined]] kalitan talong badji [[\underlined]] [[superscript]] 2 [[/superscript]]]] do you not come to my hook? 
You are so good to eat.

1. a species of shark unfit for eating.
2. the Bajau's favorite shark for eating.

^[[also see 1965-66 journal for songs]]