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[[strikethrough]] Madasani [[/strikethrough]] (KB) Samsalani

O . . . southeast wind.

When you slow the sun becomes darkened (clouded over)
[[strikethrough]] Sigir-ra-ran alangka si dayan sai lu [[/strikethrough]]
^[[My song has reached its end (foot).]]

Madasani (KB).

I remember my lover.
I would rather be speared than not be able to see my lover.

Madasani (B) KB

White sails.
Sailing from Kangan (TK) on a smooth sea.

KB Lajaudden

O . . . . South Wind.

[[strikethrough]] blow strongly [[/strikethrough]]

You blow strongly from the mountain (Mt. Bongao).
When I was still single,our ages were the same (my lover and I)

O . . . . South Wind.

YOu are not blowing so strongly [[strikethrough]] . [[/strikethrough]] on my nipa roof.