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He then had sexual intercourse with the wife of the sultan. 

When they were finished the sultan's wife naked P.: Are you satisfied already P.? Did it feel good? P. Said: Yes, I feel like I'm in heaven. The following morning he escaped from the house. He was afraid that he would be caught by the guard of the sultan. He then went to the house of seventh wife of the [[strikethrough]] king [[/strikethrough]] sultan. He stayed there because that is where he was supposed to be. The last wife did not like him because he had been in the house of the first wife. The wife of the [[strikethrough]] king [[/strikethrough]] sultan ordered that his head be cut off [[strikethrough]] . [[/strikethrough]] because he went to the first wife's house. He escaped again from the house.into the jungle. P. was hiding as the guard of the king was searching for him. P. was caught and again taken to the palace of the sultan [[strikethrough]] . [[/strikethrough]] to be slaughtered. P. argued with the sultan and said that it was the sultan's wife who wanted to have sex with him and not he. The first wife of the sultan was divorced. She was about to be slaughtered by the guard of the sultan, but the sultan did not want her killed so he just divorced her. P. was then freed.

Once P. met a fisher men with plenty of fish coming out of the sea. He asked the fishermen: What is your bait for catching fish? The fisher men said: My bait is clitoris. P. ran to the house and embraced his mother and cut off the clitoris of his mother. He went to the shore and caught plenty of fish -- about [[strikethrough]] three [[/strikethrough]] baskets full. When he arrived home he discovered that his mother was dead: He said to hi self: Why did I cut out the clitoris of my mother; she is dead now. He buried his mother with the nose of her above ground. He said: If I bury her completely she cannot breathe. He buried himself also in the same manner with his nose above ground. The people thought that he and his mother were buried completely. After three days his mother's body was very odorous. He got out of the hole and ran into the house because he was afraid that his mother was a ghost already.

One day P. was helping the sultan built a boat. The sultan forgot his hammer in the house. P. changed his name to sexual intercourse. The king sad: exual intercourse you go into the house and get my hammer. P. ran into the house and went to the seventh wife of the sultan. he said: The sultan ordered me to have sexual intercourse with all seven of you. The sultan's wives did not like. The king then called: Sexual intercourse, please come. P. said: You see, did you hear the words of the sultaan? P. then had sexual intercourse with the seven wives of the