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The little boy had a pet white [[strikethrough]] mouse [[/strikethrough]] rat.  While the servant was digging a hole for the sultan, the rat had been digging a hole at the house of the boy toward the hole of the sultan.  The sultan called the boy to the palace.  The boy asked: Why did you call me?

The sultan said: Get my ring for me.  It is in that hole.

When the boy got in the hole, the people above began to throw dirt in on him.  But the small boy crawled through the hole his rat had dug, and soon arrived at his own home.

The boy's mother soon arrived.  He told her: After you finish eating you had better return this[[strikethrough]] ri [[/strikethrough]] ring to the sultan.

After eating, the mother went to the house of the sultan.  The name of the mother was Kabaian,  The Sultan said: Why are you here?

The mother said: I am here to return[[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]] your ring which was retrieved by my son after you dropped it in the hole.

The Sultan said: Your son is very intelligent.  I am going to transfer my title to [[strikethrough]] you. [[/strikethrough]] him.

The trusted servant of the Sultan said: There is a bird in the swamp, called [[strikethrough]] hangak [[/strikethrough]] Hangsa (the bird's name.)  If the boy can get that bird then you should transfer your title to him.

The mother returned to her home and began to cry.

The little boy said: Why are you crying? Did someone beat you?

The mother said: No one beat me.  The trusted servant of the king wants  you to get a bird in the swamp.  I cry because there are many [[strikethrough]] cor [[/strikethrough]] crocodiles in the swamp.

The boy told his mother not to worry, but to come into the house and cook.  After they ate, the little boy went into the swamp.

As the little boy approached the swamp, the crocodiles said: I smell something like cooked rice.  You are so small that our appetites will not be appeased if we eat you.

The little boy said: You do not know me but I am the son of Kapanasun Gadjuna, and I was born with a kris in my hand. 

The crocodiles were surprised: Oi! We did not realize that you are our grandson.  What your business in coming here?

The boy said: I come to ask about the bird named Hangsa.

The chief crocodile said: Don't worry.  He then said to his companion crocodiles: Help the boy get the bird.

The crocodiles formed a line in the water so the boy could walk on them to get the bird.  When he arrived home, he gave the bird to his mother who took it to the home of the sultan.  When she arrived at the Sulatan's home he said:  You are here, Kabaiyan.