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Mohammad, sa llau lahi wa lai he wa Salam:

Pirak-(420)-laddle made of money
Ajabar-jab (421)-like a diamond will give a reflect.
Aras(438)The place for chicken to cock in time prayer.
Salawatun-(118)brightest reflection
Kuppong from Jamkarja-(227)water given by God to him.
Molia (675)- the brightest of all prophets.
Orbu-(812)-the brightest of all lights.
Kalima-(079)-a prayer given by God to M [[strikethrough]]
(134)suratol patiha (134)- The first prayer in the mosque during Friday.
suratol imran-(137) story about M.
suratol bakra (136) - ABC of Arabic words
Rasturi (176) pearl.
Taluga maudud (183)- truth
Aisagat [[strikethrough]] dakula-(184) the [[/strikethrough]] bigest of all water
Jarajat-mataas - The highest of all water.