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The mother placed the baby in the swing, but it would not stop crying. She sang it many songs but still it would not stop crying because it did not know its father. The baby cried because  the [[strikethrough]] baby did not [[/strikethrough]] mother did not have any milk (supposedly the breasts of a woman do not give milk until [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] she has had intercourse with a man.)

The father of Abdullah knew that the child was the [[strikethrough]] fat [[/strikethrough]] child of his son. The father went to Medina where his daughter was living. His daughter was Hallimatosadia. When he reached Medina, his daughter was in the water taking a bath, so he went to talk to her. She greeted her father: What is it you want to see me about father?

Thefather said: I really pity that baby. His mother has no milk for him. I am going to get the child because he ismy grandson, the child of Prohpet Abdullah.

After walking in the water, they went to the house of the daughter. When they reached the house, the daughter told her husband, Banisaid, that her father wanted them to go with him to get the baby because it has no milk to drink.

Benisaid dressed himself, and prepared the horse. The daughter rode the horse with her sister in law, Allamara. The horse had no ears, was very thin, and many worms on his body. The horse had been attacked by many kinds of sickness, but they rode it anyway because there was no other horse and the homeplace of the baby was very far.

When they had reached halfway to the baby's house, the daughter saw a beautiful handsome man in the distance. It was the brother, Abdullah. Immediately the horse was cured of its illness and it became beautiful. Abdullah then disappeared immediately.

When they reached the palace of Sitiamina, Halli could hear the baby crying as the mother was trying to comfort it. Halli got off her horse and went to get some flowers. After getting the flowers, she went to the house. The baby was still crying. When she was in the house, she took the b  b  baby from the swing but it was still crying. When Halli sang "Ahsarakao Badrun" (words from the Koran), the baby stopped crying. When Halli was there, the baby stood up. She embraced the baby and gave it the flower.

The name of the baby was Hammad. When it grew up, it became known as Prophet Mohammed.