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then, Sinaganbulian [[?]] prepair something, often that she went to get Mohammad Jambagan from the greasses.  When the body of Dambagan in the house of Sinaganbulian [[?]] she call some of her relatives telling them what [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] are your opinion Jambargan he died because of you then she went to the forest to cut tree for the coffin of Jambaga.  When [[strikethrough]] Jam [[/strikethrough]] Jambaga was laying on the mattress sinaganbulian cry.  After that Moh. Jambagan was fatter [[?]] than he was  wraped with [[strikethrough]] dus [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] danokalai sawasak [[/underlined]] danokalai sawask (white, silken cloth) the name of the cloth wrapped around his body.  When they finished Sinagabulian they brought the body of Jambargan to the cemetary.  So the body of Jambagan placed inside grave Sinagabulian put a marker on his grave.  When Sinaganbulian arrived home she ordered her [[strikethrough]] servant [[/strikethrough]] servant to close her house forever and she considers herself as a widow.