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even though he is dead, he become again a living person. [[strikethrough]] according to g [[/strikethrough]] God said to Sabidulla that I do not know what to do to Jambargan because that [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] is his fault.  Then Sabidulla ran and brought [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] 5 [[strikethrough]]given [[/strikethrough]] of [[strikethrough]] nedr [[/strikethrough]] nails and [[strikethrough]] threw [[/strikethrough]] throw [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] at Jambargan, Jambargan become so [[strikethrough]] serious [[/strikethrough]] wounded, so, he read again the letter of his wife and the [[strikethrough]] neals [[/strikethrough]] nails [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]] were gone from his body.  God said to Sabidulla, don't worry, I'll just [[strikethrough]] re [[/strikethrough]] removed his life so that he will follow his father in the afterworld.  Jambagan's [[strikethrough]] that his [[/strikethrough]] life was removed from his body by God, [[strikethrough]] that his [[/strikethrough]] Jambargan laying down dead, [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]] his [[?]] [[strikethrough]] on his [[/strikethrough]] was laying on his [[strikethrough]] chest [[/strikethrough]] chest.  Then Nurulla was worried [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] about Jambargan, according to the [[strikethrough]] lady had lady [[/strikethrough]] ladies, don't worry Nurulla we will just [[strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]] go and see God and ask that Jambagan should be a living man again.